Author Archives: Kiang P Lee


Greetings, Friends everywhere!

I hope you found my last post on the three mandates God gave man from the beginning useful and constructive. My hope is it has added to your faith and given you confidence to foster healthy interaction and communion with others. As we participate in the Lord’s Life in us, we are helping sow the seed for a better world where His Triune Love unites us together and is the guiding principle in all we do. I hope this post will do likewise and add to your wholeness and joy as a ‘Triune’ person.

Many find it hard to believe that the life and death of one man can be attributed to absolve all of mankind’s sins and wrongs and be given the gift of everlasting life, in place of eternal death. Because of this doubt and suspicion, many in the secular world, have found it hard to fathom how Jesus Christ’s life alone has that implied, substitutionary, outcome upon all mankind. (John 3:16-17) They think it’s the kind of thing that’s born out of religious zeal bordering on superstition and religious fanaticism, and does not measure up to scientific criteria and norms. It’s too far-fetched to be believed. At the same time, there are many things in science, creation, the universe, which, even the best of our educated minds have no answer. Science, for example, has not been able to fully explain how the human mind works. So, if no one can claim to have all the answers, we can at least agree that we all play this game of life on the same level playing field of unfamiliarity, inexperience, and to a greater degree, ignorance. So, keeping an open mind would be the most sensible of options to take. Keeping a closed mind only serves our ignorance and keeps us in the shadows, rather than seeking enlightenment in the evolution of our understanding of ourselves and others. So, let’s answer this question on a more down to earth manner, and make sense of this question.

“One-Man” Attributive Principle in History

This may be an important thought to consider, the one-man substitutionary role of Jesus aside, the Bible is clear about one thing, it is through the one-man act of Adam, that all of mankind is in a state of alienation from God. The effect of Adam’s one-man attributive decision to disobey God, is clearly witnessed in the condition of man’s fallen state of being in the world today – of depravity, decay, man’s inhumanity to man, and death. Many see the dilemma of evil in the world, and have no clue as to the origin of them. God summarily attributed man’s depraved condition to Adam’s disobedience. Paul stated to the Romans, “When Adam sinned, sin entered the world. Adam’s sin brought death, so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned” (Rom.5:12, NLT). Man was banished from His presence (Eden) and closed the path to finding enlightenment and the grace for authentic living. Adam chose the way of darkness and ignorance, and the greatest depth of ignorance is to deny the existence of the Creator. So this one-man attribution for all of mankind’s future is not something new or novel. It has happened in history – from the very beginning of man’s existence on earth. This is not something ‘religious’ or fanatical, it is a cause and effect matter that has scientific relevance. When the second Adam (Jesus) came, He taught us the way of Love, service, and self-sacrifice. That is not ‘religious,’ it speaks of a way that produces the opposite effect of the first Adam’s way of rebellion, self-centeredness, confusion, and heartache. Sadly, we continue to live in the reality and consequence of Adam’s rebellious way of life today.

Every one of us has a great responsibility to protect the environment – and climate change is a global issue that is going to require a global solution. Everyone’s action has flow-on, attributive consequences, as the Bible teaches. (Pic:Wiki Commons)

If our state of fallen, depraved, and corrupt condition, is really the result of one-man’s choice to disobey and alienate himself from his Creator, why is it so hard to believe that another Man, the second Adam, whom God foretold and appointed would come to right Adam’s wrong – yes, this one-man implied principle at work – would bring man back to right standing with God and receive His grace for authentic living? (Gen.3:14-15; 1 Cor.15:45-49) Paul taught, “For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive” (1 Cor.15:22). Because Adam took mankind down the path of disobedience, with the deceitful prompting of the devil, God prearranged the coming of the second Adam to save man from the consequence of the first Adam’s sin, and defeating the enemy responsible for Adam’s fall, once for all. Jesus Christ, the second Adam, came and taught man a new way to live. The way of outgoing Love and self-sacrifice, to replace Adam’s way of inner-directed fear and self-destruction. He commanded His disciples, “A new commandment I give you, Love one another. As I have Loved you, Love one another” (John 13:34). Jesus was the personification of the prophesied Immanuel (God/man incarnation), the only perfect human, that could undo what Adam had doomed man into a life of servitude, fear and corruption. (Isa.7:14)

Principle of Attributive Consequence Continues Today

Here’s what we fail to realize, this principle of attribution and implied consequence, continues to undergird man’s relationship with other humans today. Though we may not realize the effect of this principle upon us, for good or bad, it is as real as long as God is Triune and exists in this attributive/imputive/connective spiritually ‘organic’ way fundamentally. We see this played out in history for good in the life of the patriarch Abraham. God stretched His hand to save Israel numerous times because He remembered His word of blessing to Abraham. (Exo.2:24) In our more recent history, we see this principle played out in our world wars with disastrous consequences. The life of Adolf Hitler stands out. Human history is littered with people of like violent disposition.

Man was not made to exist privately and in isolation in himself. He was made after God’s Triune likeness so he can live in Loving communion with his fellow humans, as God does in His Triunity. Yet, sadly, man continues to fail to take responsibility for all his actions which carries this imputive consequence. I’ll come back to our personal responsibility in this one-man attribution principle. But first, the obvious question that comes to mind is why does God permit this one-man attribution/implied principle to be such an overriding determinant in man’s relationship with one another? The short answer is because it reflects His Trinitarian Life as God who lives in Loving communion. He expects man, whom He created in His own Triune image, to live and behave that way, because He IS that way.

Imputive Consequence Is The Essence of The Triniatrian Life

Readers of my blog will know by now, that whenever I have tried to find an explanation for something, I have tried not to deviate from investigating the answer through the prism of the Trinitarian nature of God. It clears the mind off all the cobwebs of the “solitary” self we inherited from Adam. As long as God is Triune, there’s always a Trinitarian undercurrent which carries His authoritative, attributive, and implied, outcome in everything He does and we seek answers for. I said in one of my previous post that life begins where our concept of God takes root. Who is God? What makes Him do what He does? God declares Himself as ONE, yet, exists in Three Persons – the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The act of any Three is the act of ONE God. Not Three Persons with separate outcomes. So, that’s imputive, interdependent, co-dependent living. So God, because He is Love, being Three, automatically act as ONE. Because He is Love, they are indivisible and eternally ONE. In other words, their actions are interconnected and therefore attributive to one another. When God created Adam, He wanted Adam to choose to live this Triune Life with Him. He created Eve to make the Trinitarian life comprehensible at the human level. Eve was not created separately but from Adam himself to depict this Triune inter-relativity by co-dependence. By alienating himself, Adam effectively cut himself off from God’s Triune way of Life. He is now effectively living the “solitary” way of life in himself without the Triune God.

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The Triune God – The Act of One is the Act of All Three, and the Act of Three is the Act of One. This is the Basis of Imputive Principle Man Lives Under. (Wiki Commons)

So this one-man attributive, inter-connective principle, if I may call it that, is founded upon the God who is Triune (three), yet ONE, attributive, and interconnected in all His Loving manifestation. That’s to say, Each of the Persons in the Triune Godhead always acts in ONE-ness, not three-ness. That’s another way of saying, everything God does is interconnected, interrelated, and unified with everything else, and nothing stands alone. The whole universe and the physical law that holds it together, including our earth, are all interconnected for it reflects the Creator who made it all – separate, individual, heavenly bodies, yet ONE, unified universe. So we see this principle of interconnection throughout creation. It begins with God who is three, and yet, interconnected and ONE. Though, through the naked eye, and our “solitary” mindset, we may observe the physical world as existing autonomously, everything is interconnected and finds a single expression. Like the Three Persons of the Trinity, they are ONE unified Being, natured in their single expression of Love. God is Love, so all He does bears his Triune/imputive Love expression.

Man may not realize this, but everything he does brings him in touch with this interactive physical laws of the universe, which like gravity, comes into play and compensates for if what he does is to work at all. See the modern-day exploits in air travel, space exploration, technology, advancement in science and engineering, sea and land travel, etc. All we do has to take into account God’s ‘law of relativity’ which Albert Einstein discovered, because that’s how the world exists – nothing is what it is until you relate it to something. The relational nature of God (Trinitarian) underlies our existence, despite living the “solitary” life which Adam has imputed upon us. Everything in creation has this attributive, implied, and relational resonance which is the signature of the Trinitarian God who sustains His creation in Love. Everything created resonates this Triune, interconnective principle, and man can choose to live by it, or deny it at his own demise.

Jesus Lived the “Trinitarian” Life, and Adam The “Solitary” Life

Listen to the words of Jesus as indicative of the interconnected creation in which we live, He said this about His words and actions, “These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me” (John 12:49-50; 8:28b, 29, 26b; 14:9-10, 24; 17:8; 6:63, 68). He said further, “By Myself I can do nothing” (John 5:30). This is an activity of the Triune Love which binds them together as ONE. Jesus’ actions are not for His private exploits but activities of Love with the Father and the Spirit. He said, “Not my will, but your (the Father) will be done” – even at the point of His death. (John 5:17, 19-20, Luke 22:42 emphasis added). Notice what Jesus said about the role of the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Triune God, “But when He, the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on His own, He will speak only what He hears” (John 16:13-15).  Jesus was declaring His life of Loving union in His Triunity with God the Father and God the Spirit. He said, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matt.28:19). Jesus authorized the disciples to bring people into the Loving interconnected Life of the Triune God, and thereby live the one-man attributive, implied, and Trinitarian life in Christ. (Gal.2:20, KJV)

Whatever way we choose to live, whether it’s Adams “solitary” self-centered way, or Jesus’ “Triune” Loving way, it does not preclude nor nullify the one-man attributive consequence of our actions. If it is Adam’s “solitary” way we live by, it will produce fear, depravity, decay and ultimately death. If it is Jesus’ “Triune” way we cling to, it will produce Love, excellence, joy and grace for authentic Trinitarian living.

The ‘One-Man’ Trinitarian/Attributive Principle Affects Us All Regardless

Paul affirms this one-man Triune/attributive principle upon all, saying, “For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife (believing), and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy” (1Cor.7:14, emphasis added). This imputive principle starts in your family, where your Triune Life in Christ is implied to those around you, so they also are in good standing with God because of you. Though they may not be in direct union with God, you are that connection which brings grace to them. This is the same principle God applied to save mankind through and in His Son. (John 3:16-19) What happens if a man lives the “solitary” life apart from the Triune God, and his actions are self-willed and evil? Are those around him doomed? Yes, and no! Though a person’s actions bear evil implied consequences, it will not harm those implicated, if, as individuals, they choose to follow God’s Love, and change their ways and follow good in place of evil.

The Death of Jesus – an Substitutive Act (Eugene Delacroix, Wiki Commons)

The whole eighteenth chapter of Ezekiel makes this plain. (Ezek.18) Notice, the Israelite acknowledged this attributive principle, so much in a negative light, it has become a proverb, a buzzword. (V.1). But the Lord tells them, the opposite is also true. Even though this implied principle is true, if the person shall turn from his wicked ways, “he will not die for his father’s sins, he will surely live. But his father will die for his own sin” (V.14-18). Note also the warning given to the self-willed Israelites, notwithstanding the promises of blessings God gave Abraham, “But if they will confess their sins and the sins of their ancestors—their unfaithfulness and their hostility toward me, which made me hostile toward them so that I sent them into the land of their enemies—then when their uncircumcised hearts are humbled and they pay for their sin, I will remember my covenant with Jacob and my covenant with Isaac and my covenant with Abraham and I will remember the land” (Lev.40:40-42).

So, though they were implied recipients of Abraham’s faithfulness, there was an obvious implicit sense of duty to follow the patriarchal example, or their own self-willed attributive actions will nullify the covenant. God is perfectly ONE and indivisible in His Triune Love, we are not. God gave us minds so we can change, even if we have implied consequences which are evil which our fathers attributed and became part of us. God wants us to choose to be joined to His one-man Triune/attributive Loving way of life, and pass on and attribute His Love upon others through our inspired actions in the Spirit. (Rom.5:5)

Watch Over Each Other in Love

God makes this Triune implied consequence principle clearer in relation to our gifts and what we are expected to do with them. Speaking to Ezekiel God says, “If I speak and give them warning from Me… and you do not speak out to dissuade them from their ways… I will hold you accountable for their blood. But if you do warn the wicked person… and they do not do so, they will die for their sin, though you yourself will be saved” (Ezek.33:7-9). God is elaborating to man, who was made after His image, what is expected when living this Triune Life in Christ. We serve one another with our gifts and talents because God does the same in His Triunity. We are all “watchman,” watching out for each other’s welfare. In Loving Triune union in Christ, we are all made keepers of each other. (Gal.6:1-6; Phi.2:4; 1Cor.10:24) We must take loving responsibility for the gifts we have been endowed with, and let its energy invigorate us to embrace one another in the Spirit’s Love. This is the very essence of the life of the Bula man-river.*  (To read more about the Bula man-river,* go to my website where you can order a copy of my book)

God’s Sovereignty

In all this, we must not miss the point of God’s sovereignty in everything. It is God who determines what is right and wrong through His character of Love. Therefore, it is God alone who has the power to forgive sins. It is He alone who determines how transgressions are pardoned and forgiven. It is God alone who has the power to grant man the gift of immortality in His Triune existence. (John 3:16) The Bible tells us, “If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself” (2 Tim.2:13) Compassion and mercy is part of who He is in His sovereign Love.

So yes, God attributes the acts of man upon each other, whether for good or evil, and this is what He has done to us in His Son, Jesus Christ, for our deliverance. By giving us His Son, He attributes His one-man attributive perfect life upon all mankind for our redemption, just as Adam’s sin brought us into the shackles of slavery of evil and sin.  In Christ Himself, with His implied deliverance, He brings us the Father’s gift of immortality through the Spirit. Hence, we read this implied statement, “For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you (all) to God” (1 Pet.3:18, emphasis added). In that, we see the inseparable, eternal Love of God in these immortal words, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him, shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16). Let’s be truly thankful for Jesus’ one-man implied righteousness upon all mankind, and go out and live life as He did, knowing that all our actions have their inherent attributive consequences.


May the blessing of the God who ceaselessly expresses Himself in His dependable Triune Love, be with you today and give you strength for authentic attributive Triune living as a Bula man-river.*

Kiang                                                                                                                                                          (Your Servant in Christ) 

* The “Bulamanriver” is the metaphor describing the union of man with the Love of the Triune God flowing in humans, making possible the “Triune Life” – the source of the miraculous life in man. To read the many facets of life of the Bula man-river, go to my website where you can order a copy of my Book. Thank you for your support.

All scriptures are taken from the NIV Version 2011, unless stated otherwise

Note: Any information obtained from this website that is used for publication should be acknowledged by citing the website address, date of acquisition and information pertinent to original authorship. For general guidelines regarding web citations see The Guide for Citing Electronic Information


Greetings to you all, friends the world over!

I hope you found my 3-Part Post on the substitutionary role of Christ’s mediation helpful and useful to your faith, as much as it has brought you peace and joy that’s deservedly yours as a child of God. You are someone I call, Bula man-river,* a metaphor for the believer who is covered by Christ’s mediatory role as Savior and High Priest.

In this post, I would like to cover the topic of human relationships. Relationships are the most important of all human interactions.  It forms the basis of human existence and the foundation upon which all decent societies are built. They ultimately affect how we are judged as a nation, and how we conduct ourselves in international relations. (Pro.14:34) The origin of relationships is founded upon the nature of the Creator God who created all things to reflect Him in His Triune nature. God, who existed as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, lived in Loving relationship with each other from eternity. That is the basis of human relationships.

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Human Relationships based upon the Triune Life of God (Rublev’s Icon of Trinity, Wiki Commons)

Notice the plural/collective pronoun/adjective, God refers to Himself when He created mankind, “Let US make human beings in OUR image, make them reflect OUR nature, so they can be responsible for (have dominion) … creation” (Gen.1:26-27, MSG, emphasis added). “Elohim” is God in the plural. He did not say ‘let me,’ or ‘after my likeness.’ By declaring His plurality saying, ‘US,’ and ‘OUR,’ He signifies His Trinitarian nature, which is expounded in the scripture as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, God. (Matt. 28:19; John 15:26; 2 Cor.13:14) God is Triune and therefore relational. He is not a “solitary” and reclusive Being. God is not some solo, self-contained Being who is trying to subjugate His people as a stern judge and ruler, as many picture Him. God’s underlying nature is Triune, from which their Love unites them in ONE existence – ONE, unified, and inseparable Being. God can only be Love and thereby relational because He is Triune. For Love unites, but isolation breeds fear and division. All of creation was the design of the God who is Trinitarian and reflects His Triune expression.

So, creation reflects His relational and interconnected existence. For there is no dislocation between God’s doing and who He is in His Triune Love. God Loves precisely because God is Love in His Triunity. There is no other possible way God could have made all things, whether visible or invisible, except to reflect Himself. Likewise, everything man does, he carries out to reflect his own humanity. For instance, man will not act to reflect the beast of the forest, for he has no inherent identity with beasts. We see this underlying dynamism at work in animated films, where animals are made to behave like humans; speak like humans. So, we can act and do things only by how we are intrinsically natured, from which we can never deviate. So, everything that must be said about relationships, if it is to have an authentic expression, has to start from the vantage point of man who is natured in God’s Triune image of Love. 

Love – The Foundation of Relationships

Man’s relationships will always be based upon Love, for God is Love. That is, His narrative of Love … not man’s definition. Whether man wish to acknowledge it or not, man’s existence is hardwired into God’s Love. When we deviate from that which we are natured to be, we find ourselves in problematic relationships. It seems everywhere we look there’s increasing fragmentation of relations. We question the sincerity of our love for people and wonder if it is worth our effort trying to love others, even on a human level. We have been blind-sided into these relationship knots from which we can’t free ourselves. However, many times we miss what Jesus tells us clearly: “A brand-new command I give you: Love one another.” If the decree to Love is a brand-new command, then what’s new about it? What’s different about it? Does it make any difference? He answers, “As I have Loved you, Love one another.” How did He Love us? He answers, “As the Father has Loved me, so have I Loved you. Now remain in my Love” (John 15:9). Jesus was speaking from His Trinitarian relationship in the Father and the Spirit. He was making known a new command of the Triune Love of God, which the disciples never saw except in the life of Jesus for three and half years.

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“God is Love” (1 John 4:8) (Pic: Wiki Commons)

Leading Through Loving/Serving

So, though Jesus was the “leader” to His followers, He did not lead by domination. He displayed leadership by the Love in which He has always existed within the Triune Life of God. He reprimanded His disciples when they haggled about who was dominant among them. Jesus said, “whoever wants to be first among you must be a slave to everyone” (Mark 10:35-45, esp. V.44) He was first and foremost the Chief Servant. He proved this, when, after performing a servant’s work of washing the disciples feet before His death, He asked them, “Do you understand what I have done to you?” He answered, “You address me as ‘Teacher’ and ‘Master,’ and rightly so. That is what I am. So if I, the Master and Teacher, washed your feet, you must now wash each other’s feet. I’ve laid down a pattern for you. What I’ve done, you do. I’m only pointing out the obvious. A servant is not ranked above his master; an employee doesn’t give orders to the employer. If you understand what I’m telling you, act like it—and live a blessed life” (John 13: 12-17, MSG).  He led them by inviting them to live in the Triune Love and Life of God as He did.

The Triune Love was Never Before Seen in Man’s History, Until Jesus Came

The Triune Love between the Father, Son, and Spirit was something that was never seen articulated in humanity until the Son came and took upon Him His creaturely human body. Jesus came and made possible our “union” with the Triune God to make His new Love command a reality in human life. Never before in the history of man was this Triune Love seen or tasted in human experience until Jesus came. Only Adam and Eve enjoyed it for a time until they alienated themselves from God, and followed man’s “solitary” way of fear. This Love was seen in Jesus’ life, where He went about doing nothing but good and healing all who came to Him (Acts 10:38). When Jesus took our humanity into Himself, this very Love from the Triune Being of God became ours by inheritance. Peter said, “He (Christ) has given us His very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature.” (2 Pet.1:4) All it requires is faith, and the Holy Spirit makes Love flow in our lives as spiritual “living waters.” This is where your life as a Bula man-river takes his stand.

In my Book, “Bula man-river* – The Miracle of Triune Living,” I explained 3 mandates God gave man from the outset of His creation, by which to develop his relationship with God, other humans, and with creation as a whole. The three mandates reflect the way they existed from eternity in their Triune nature. He desires of man to adopt and live like they do in their Triunity. Here are excerpts from my Book on the 3 mandates:

1. The Genesis ‘Helper Mandate’

“The first act of man in his relationship with another human is to use his God-given purpose to promote “creative living” with his fellowman. The purpose of gifts is to be creative as God is Creator. If gifts originate from the divine source, then man’s relationship with one another is mediated by the One who is inherently part of the gift – the Gift-Giver, Jesus – through the “living waters” of the Bula man-river.* The creative aspect of this relationship was given at the beginning when Adam was created and the original “other” human was taken from him. There God uttered the first of three Genesis Mandates for man through Adam and Eve: to be a fitting “helper” for each other. Though the primary context for this instruction is marriage, the meaning is twofold. Since Eve was the only “other” human besides Adam, by extension she also represented our “neighbor,” whoever he or she may be. For the “helper” can be applied in every context, not necessarily matrimonial. I call this the “helper mandate.” We saw Jesus re-echoed this first principles from Genesis to His disciples in the final hours before His crucifixion.

“Paul encouraged the Corinthians, saying we are “helpers of your joy” (2 Cor. 1:24, KJV). Further, he told the Romans, “Owe no man anything, except the debt of Love” (Rom. 13:8; Gal. 6:2, KJV). Jesus reiterated man’s “helper mandate” when He said we are to “Love our neighbors as we Love ourselves” (Mark 12:31, emphasis added). The famed 23rd Psalm depicts God as the “helper” of mankind. So we see in all this that the “creative living” outline cannot be denied: to be a “helper.” The primary purpose of our calling therefore is ultimately to “help” one another and bring all mankind to unity with the Triune God in Jesus.” (Pg.177)

2. The Genesis ‘Dominion Mandate’

“We cease to be “helpers” when we violate man’s “dominion mandate.” What is the “dominion mandate”? It is the second Genesis Mandate that has two parts given to mankind by the Creator: how he is to interact and conduct himself with creation, and with his fellow humans. The first part is the “helper mandate” in man’s relation with his fellowman, while the “dominion mandate” explains man’s relation in his dominion over all creation, which doesn’t include dominion over another person (Gen. 1:26-31; 2:19-20). We are to “help” not “dominate” our fellow humans. Only God is man’s ruler because He is man’s Savior. We are to be man’s “helper,” not “ruler.” A person’s relationship with another is either creative or uncreative, productive or unproductive, but is hardly ever neutral. We make the mistake of trying to merge the two when it can’t be done, and we can be one or the other depending on which river we ride. There is no Savior of mankind except Jesus (John 3:16). Every single human is given equal and shared dominion over the earth under the Creator (Ps. 24:1; Eccl. 5:9, NKJV). The passage from Genesis makes clear the dual mandate of man’s dominion over the entire creation, and the mandate of being “helpers” of his fellowman.” (Pg.178)

Mankind has unwittingly, or wittingly, rendered God’s “dominion mandate” ineffective by violating His first mandate of being “helpers” of other’s joy. We have turned the “dominion mandate” on its head by seeking to control (dominate) others. So we see people resist and fight dictators and tyrants that’s littered in the annals of revolutions and uprisings, across the face of man’s history. They have no freedom to express themselves in a shared dominion of this earth where people of all races and cultures are equal inheritors, by Divine gesture. (Micah 4:4; Gen.1:26-27) Instead, in the flow of the Triune Life we have in Christ, we’re to live in the Life-energy of God’s Love-expression, to help people in the shared dominion of this earth. We must not see this earth as the object of our fears, which results in greed and covetousness. This is what we have witnessed in man’s history on this earth as man express himself in his “solitary” way of life, apart from God, and His mandates. The next mandate completes God’s three-fold decrees.

3. The Genesis ‘Triune Mandate’

“Man will dominate the blessing of the richness of this earth in peace, fairness, integrity, and true abundance when he exercises his dominion as the Creator decreed. God’s decree, vis-à-vis living like his Maker, ushers in the third Genesis mandate in the words, “Let us make human beings in the image and likeness. Male and female He created them” (Gen. 1:26, 27). I like to call this the “likeness mandate.” Man’s only purpose of existence is to live in the Creator’s likeness. As the likeness of God is Trinitarian, I also call it the “Triune likeness mandate.” By adding his “helper” and “dominion” mandates, man’s purpose can be said to be a “helper” of his fellowman in his “dominion” over this earth, by living in the “Triune likeness” of his Maker. Triune living is about a life of interdependence with one another in Christ and the Spirit, helping one another in man’s dominion of this earth.”

“The exercise of authority over another human, whether by coercion, physical force, or even psychological means, is precluded in the Genesis “dominion mandate.” God holds dominion over every man, woman, and child, and He has not abdicated His sovereignty since the creation of mankind. Man may live under the sway of his archenemy and his deceptions, but God is the final arbiter over man’s fate. You see, our Creator placed in humans the aggressive spirit to reinforce and support His earthly “dominion mandate.” That is how mankind has progressed and advanced, which continues to our present day. However, the mandate limits man’s domineering spirit over the earth and all in it, which precludes another human.” (Pg.179)

I go on to say in my Book that trust or faith is the bedrock upon which all healthy relationships are built and made to last.


“Trust (faith) is the basis of all human and Godly relationships that began in Eden. The foundation of trust is grounded upon the three-fold Genesis Mandates the Creator gave mankind. Those relationships were hijacked by the devil, who introduced his own “domineering” spirit dictated by distrust, fear, self-interest, and greed (Gen. 3). Man bought it lock, stock, and barrel, and the rest is a history of heartaches, sufferings, violence, and death. As a result of fear and the absence of God’s Spirit in man, the devil has wreaked havoc in men’s relationships with one another. God has never abdicated His sovereignty over man, and from the beginning promised a Savior (Gen. 3:15). Not only must we discontinue our control of our fellowman; we are also not to place our trust in them, but in God alone. The mandate is clear: it is to “help” not “trust.” The reason for this is obvious. There is only One who can save in whom man can wholly trust without fear of being betrayed or deceived – Jesus. Where people overextend their dominion to include men and place their wholehearted trust in them, sooner rather than later they awaken to find their trust is seriously misplaced.” (Pg.180)

From the Joyous to the Toxic

As I pen this blog post, I realize the innumerable human relationship issues that exist in all peoples from all walks of life. It is human to be in relationship dynamics where we are seeking resolutions for mutual co-existence. When we speak of humanity and relationships, they are one and the same thing. Our families are the product of relationships. Our work, though we may tacitly assume as matters of happenstance, are outcomes of relationships we have engendered, and continues to be such. So is school, and every other human affiliation we have encountered in life. Relationships come in all shapes, size, and color. At times relationships may seem insurmountable, complicated, and inexplicable.  At other times, they may not be so complicated where both parties see eye-to-eye on matters which can be of mutual interest and benefit. So, relationships can range from the joyous to the toxic.

Man Is  Relational…Because God Is!

All of man’s relationship issues can be traced back to man’s ignorance and flagrant violation of the three mandates given when God created humans. It seems, from most accounts, the issue that’s predominant in the world today is the blatant exploitation of the “dominion mandate” which renders the “helper mandate” superfluous and redundant. And we see this spirit of “control” extensive not only in the many facets of the life of individuals, but across the spectrum of human interactions, in communities, the corporate world, politics, of governance, to international relations between nations. Be that as it may, we cannot see this relationship issue simply on a one-dimensional “dominion mandate” view alone, for the three mandates can work only in unison. It must be understood that the first two mandates cannot be articulated in its true authentic expression without the third all-important mandate, where a person is existing from within the Triune Life of God. It is the foundation upon which the first and second mandates derive its life, energy, and meaning. For in fact, the “Triune mandate” is uttered first, as the foundation decree, as shown in Genesis. (Gen.1:26-27; 2:18) Here, as in all of His creation, we see how man’s relationship (existence) with his fellow humans relies upon this three-dimensional principle, rather than on fallen man’s “solitary” one-dimensional life. It is fashioned after a God who is Triune and lives by this same three-dimensional principle. Man’s relationship dynamics has its underpinning in the Creator who Himself is relational in His Tripartite existence.

The Genesis Three-Pronged Principle Basis of Human Relationships

Once we figured out God is Love in His Triune existence, and He has included us in His Trinitarian Being in His Son, by the power of the Spirit, we will see the authentic underpinning of man’s interaction with other humans. The Holy Spirit will be the power working mysteriously and miraculously in man, even though we may not be conscious of how He orchestrates life in all its complexity. Or so it seems, but not for Him. We will see human life is to be fashioned and shaped after the Creator who is relational, and we observe what Jesus said, “I have laid down a pattern for you. What I have done, you do” – living the Trinitarian Life. That is the first and all-important base we cover in this matter of human relationships. It begins with the family unit from which human life begins. Then it extends outside to others as our human connection determines how we cultivate relationships – in our homes, our work places, schools, churches, social interactions, villages and towns, in sporting activities, and numerous other affiliations. The three-pronged principle I have covered in this post is the way God has determined from the outset of man’s existence on this earth, as the essence of how human relationship is cultivated and made to thrive in its authentic expression, undergirded in His Triune nature of Love. (You may read my Book for a broader expose’ of this subject. See above for ordering details)

You, as a Bula man-river,* must recognize as having your existence in the Triune Being of God in Christ and through the inspiration of the Spirit, is made to have relationship engagements based upon God’s Love. I end with encouragement to live as Jesus did in the Triune Love and relationship He has with God and His fellowmen.


May the blessing of the God who ceaselessly expresses Himself in His dependable Triune Love, be with you today and give you strength for authentic Triune living in all your relationships.

Until the next post,

Kiang                                                                                                                                                          (Your Servant in Christ) 

* The “Bulamanriver” is the metaphor describing the union of man with the Love of the Triune God flowing in humans, making possible the “Triune Life” – the source of the miraculous life in man. To read the many facets of life of the Bula man-river, go to my website where you can order a copy of my Book. Thank you for your support.

All scriptures are taken from the NIV Version 2011, unless stated otherwise

Note: Any information obtained from this website that is used for publication should be acknowledged by citing the website address, date of acquisition and information pertinent to original authorship. For general guidelines regarding web citations see The Guide for Citing Electronic Information


Greetings, friends everywhere. We celebrate our Independence in the United States of America. Yet, the endurance of our liberties relies more than ever on our Interdependence, if we are to survive in any meaningful and lasting way in the world today.

In this third and final installment, we will see how this abiding Triune principle of interdependence, of attributing the baptism, life, and death of Jesus, constitutes and defines the personal faith and life of the believer, and those of his loved ones. The “Trinitarian Life” is motivated by God’s Love for man, while the “solitary life” is motivated by man’s fear of man. Let’s continue…

Day of Atonement – Living the Sacrificial Life

Once a year, on the day known as the Day of Atonement, or Yom Kippur to the Jews, all the wrongs and offenses of the nation was taken by the high priest into the inner sanctuary of the temple, known as the holiest place. There, in the most sacred place of the temple where God was present, the nation’s wrongs were confessed and absolved through a predetermined ritual played out by the high priest. (Lev.16)

The sacrificial system given to Israel was mediated by the Levitical priesthood. It was centered on the high priest appointed by God. An Israelite could not offer a sacrifice for himself. It was the role of the priest who was God’s intermediary with man. The priest was the go-between man and God. Note also, the sacrificial system of Israel was highly regulated as to what sacrificial offering an Israelite can bring for various offenses. (Read Book of Leviticus)


For explanatory purpose, an Israelite may choose to sacrifice as many burnt offerings as he likes upon a mountain of his choice. He thinks God will be impressed with his giving. But it amounts to nothing, if he does not follow the laid-down regulations to the letter. There is nothing an Israelite can offer, no matter how big or how valuable, which, by human estimation, may acquit him of his offences – nothing.

Functionally, for our purpose there’s no amount of good you and I can do, in our “solitary” expression of self, that we can say and do is a form of sacrifice, which can be credited against my offences – nothing. This is what religion in general has imposed upon humans – they tell people their “obedience” will save them, among many other legalistic demands. It cannot save anyone. We don’t “obey,” but, we Love God. Love is a ‘willing obedience’ and sacrifice, not a forced ‘legalistic obedience.’ (refer to my earlier post titled, “Bula man-river’s Answer to Obedience,” at:

Performance-Reward Approach

Not only in religion, but this independent “solitary” mindset, based upon fear, is pervasive in all of life, in societies, in human relationships and interactions. We have been swept into the world’s “performance/reward” based approach to life, which has defined relationships as something to be traded, and we have called it “good.” It’s a behavior cloaked in man’s “solitary” expression of himself. The enemy has made this “performance/reward” spirit so invasive and seemingly inescapable, it flows menacingly in the deathly waters of the Bulu man-river.* (Jer. 17:9)

We must find cause to extricate ourselves from the grips of this self-centered mindset and world. (2 Cor.6:17; Rev.18:4) This deathly waters, flowing in man, has to be “flushed out”** if the Triune Life is to become man’s reality. (You may read my Book, “Bulamanriver, The Miracle of Triune Living” which explains this term). It’s a life driven by fear. There’s performance on one hand, and reward on the other. It’s a form of ‘payback,’ if you like, where life in all its expression is deemed a transaction based upon performance with the ensuing reward and punishment.

It stems from the independent “solitary” mindset with the ‘self’ at the center of gravitational influence. This is diametrically opposite from the interdependent Trinitarian mindset of God’s Love given without conditions which is at the center of His activity in man. It runs contrary to the principle of imputation, of attribution, and substitution that’s the essence of God’s outgoing triune Love where He gives His Son for our absolute and eternal redemption.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with getting paid for a job done. The Bible says: “The worker deserves his wages” (1Tim.5:18b). However, if we presume to make reparation in the sense of the divine, where human wrongs are exonerated with something “good” through this “performance/reward” payback mindset, that is another matter. Man, in his relationship with God, transposes this graceless conduct onto Him, thinking he can “repay” and work his way into His favor.

Subconsciously, man wears this “solitary” mantle and applies his fears in all he does. We are to wear and “put on” the cloak of Jesus’ and put on His Triune Love in what we do, in the Spirit. Love is about giving without consideration for reward. “Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh (“solitary” fearful mindset)” (Rom.13:14, emphasis added).

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Israel’s Exodus and the Death of the Messiah are Identical Motifs of the Passover God has Chosen as Substitutionary Acts of Grace to Save Man (John 3:16; Act.2:38) (Pics: Wiki Commons) 

It is true God will “reward” His people for their works. But our works does not earn our redemption and salvation. Jesus tells John, “Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done” (Rev.22:12). The “reward” is only guaranteed if we get there first. Our works can become self-righteous and in vain. Let’s not be caught in the “cart before the horse” syndrome – let’s keep our heads in the right frame of mind. I’ll place lesser emphasis on the “reward” aspect because it is a given, but not so the Work of Christ’s mediation which our works can easily overshadow. Works has to do with our gifts, which comes through Christ’s mediation, in any case. (Eph.4:8)

These are not separate entities, they both originate from one Source – Jesus! Jesus does both – He plants and waters. When we understand that, we’ll understand Peter’s admonition, “Make every effort to supplement your faith…” (2 Pet.1:9-11) The human effort and faith are joined and become one life in the power of the Spirit. What I’m expressing in layman’s language here are the doctrinal expressions of justification and sanctification which I have purposefully avoided for the benefit of our secular audience. (Read my Book for an indepth look on the subject of gifts (sanctification))

New Covenant Context – Man is The Temple

So, what does this mean to believers today? What  is the temple, and where is the temple’s most sacred place where sacrifices are offered in the New Covenant context? Why was the sacrificial system so highly regulated that it had to be followed to the letter? An Israelite could not bring an offering of his choice, nor offer it in his own stead. God has decided for him on both counts – what he is to bring for various offences, for thanksgiving, and who makes the offering. This is to convey to man there is no other sacrifice prescribed for man apart from the one prearranged by God to save him – to the letter. He is Jesus, the one and only Messiah given for man’s redemption, and there’s no other. (Acts 4:12) Jesus himself said He came to fulfill the law, not abolish it. In other words, the law, including the sacrifices, all pointed to Jesus who would fulfill all its requirements in our place. (Matt.5:17-19) He is the offering we take into the sanctuary for our reconciliation. He is the High Priest who offers our sacrifice of Himself before God.

It conveys the message of the “Triune” expression of God’s Love which is our covering, and makes and keeps us right with the Father. It replaces our fallen “solitary” nature expressed in man’s “performance/reward” solitary life-style which was buried in the watery grave of baptism. Christ has done it all – He is the one and complete sacrificial Lamb and Savior.

There’s nothing that you can bring to the table that can and will redeem you – that is why the sacrificial system of Israel was rigid and unchanging. You either accept what God provides on one hand, or, you come empty-handed on the other, choose. He encourages us to choose His Son. (Deut. 30:19; John 3:16-17)  Make no mistake – this “solitary self,” driven by his fears, is powerful, and cunningly deceptive, so much so that each day, he will be trouble enough to try to put us off-track from the Trinitarian center we have in Christ. (Matt. 6:34; Jer. 17:9) Paul affirms our ‘completeness’ in His Son, saying, “And you have been made complete in Christ, who is the head over every ruler and authority” (Col.2:10).

Man is the Temple, The Heart is the Inner Sanctuary

The sacred place of the temple in Israel is the archetype of the sacred sanctuary in heaven where God dwells. In the New Covenant context, the physical counterpart is mankind. Humanity is the temple, and the inner sanctuary is the heart of man. The most sacred place in heaven constitutes God’s Being and heart. But on earth, God’s presence is localized in the human heart. God’s dwelling is in heaven, not on earth. If He comes to earth, He dwells in His temple that’s not made with hands – the human person. On earth, He dwells in the sanctuary of the human heart. Man is the human temple made with God’s own hands. (Gen.1:26-27)

Though all of mankind is saved (John 3:16a), only those who receive and trust Jesus as Savior is made a temple, for the Spirit’s presence is what makes a person God’s temple. (John 3:16b; Rom.8:9) Paul was inspired to write, “You yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your hearts” (1 Cor.3:16). The heart is the seat of human intellect and passion. It is in the sanctuary of God’s own heart that He Loves mankind, and likewise it is in the human’s heart that man Loves God, in Christ. (Jer. 31:3; Luk.10:27) We speak to God from our hearts.

So, man is the spiritual temple, the heart is the sacred and holy place where man permits God to dwell through Christ by the power of the Spirit – this is the essence of the collaborative Triune Life. It is here that God helps you to harmonize your life with His. In a more expanded analogy, the earth can be said to be the temple of the whole universe, for mankind dwells in it, and Jerusalem is the center and heart of the earth. It is the eternal city where God will gather and dwell with His people forever. (Rev.21:1-7) The heart is where humans asks God for daily forgiveness – “forgive us as we forgive others” – where the sacrifice of atonement is forever made through Christ’s mediation so man can be made at ONE (Triune) with God.

The High Priest – Essence of Trinitarian Love by Substitution

The believer has to find a Mediator, the God-appointed “go-between,” for he cannot mediate in his own stead. In ancient Israel, the Levitical priesthood performed that mediatory role. Without the mediator, the sacrifice stands alone, for an Israelite can’t offer the sacrifice for himself. In the New Covenant context, Jesus Christ is the Mediator. He is all three – our High Priest, who mediates our Repentance and our Forgiveness (sacrifice) in Himself. He takes all our human responses and makes us right with God forever. He is the “Go-Between,” appointed by God for man’s redemption and salvation. That is the heart of the Trinitarian Life we have in Jesus.

This act of “substituting,” of “transference,” and “superimposing” one’s existence for another – is at the heart of the interdependent Triune activity of God in His relationship with humanity. In it, we see the length God would go to save man. Jesus Christ mediates for us by being our ‘Repenter’ (Jordan), our perfect human species (Immanuel human), our sacrificial Lamb (Golgotha), and our High Priest in heaven (Melchizedek). He is the High Priest who takes man into the holiest place in heaven – into the very abode of God with the only acceptable sacrifice of Himself, and eternally vindicates man.

So we see how we are complete in Him – repentance and all our human responses requires a sacrifice, and sacrifice becomes complete only when the High Priest offers it in our place. Jesus becomes all three responses for mankind, and completes humans. (Col.2:10) The heart (sanctuary) is not the place for ‘trash,’ but the place for the High Priest to do His mediatory work. The heart (sanctuary) is the place for ongoing self-evaluation (change by repentance), sacrifice (forgiveness), and mediation (High Priest), resulting in the miraculous life and joyous living which the Spirit brings us. Paul said, “Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things” (Col.2:12, emphasis added).


Dove, Symbol of the Holy Spirit Who Enters Humans as Temples

Man’s Heart, the Inner Sanctuary

Recall, we repent because Jesus has already repented for us in the Jordan, just as He has absolved us from sin on Calvary, so we don’t have to pay for our sins with our own lives, but instead be given eternal life as a gift from and in Him. (John 3:15-16, 36; 4:14; 6:40; 10:27-30) In the Psalms we read, “You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it; you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings. My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart You, God, will not despise” (Ps.51:16-17; Isa.66:1-2). In the heart, the Spirit is present to help man live the sacrificial life, just as the high priest of Israel went into the inner sanctuary, the heart of the temple, to offer the sacrifice for the sins of the nation on the Day of Atonement.

Man’s Two-Pronged Life Becomes ONE in The Triune Being

Here is the connection of this two-pronged life of your heavenly temple (reborn life) and the earthly temple (mortal life): Your mortal life is the cast replaying your new reborn immortal life in Christ in heaven. (John 3:15, 36) Christ, in His High Priestly role is forever imputing His mediatory work upon your mortal life on earth. Your mortal body and human heart is the mold and copy of the heavenly temple and inner sanctuary where you live in your new reborn life in Christ with God the Father. It is not the reverse.

Do you go through times in life when it feels like God is not in your life; or worse that He has abandoned you? Do you go through time when you’re discouraged, depressed and guilty about your failings and mess-ups? The reason is because we have reversed God’s principle of imputation. We see our circumstances through the eyes of our “solitary” fearful mindset and impute our failings upon ourselves. In a true self-centered perspective to life, we have credited all our actions to ourselves, and wonder, regrettably, why they continue to haunt us? The “Trinitarian Life” and mindset imputes Christ mediatory work upon all our circumstances. (Rom.8:28) God stands ready to impart His grace for living by imputing the mediation of His Son for our peace and joy. (John 15:11; Eph.2:14)

If we have confidence in Jesus’ mediatory role, the Father’s grace will help us grow through every situation we encounter – even our ‘failings.’ But when our failings transmit its staying power in our lives, meaning there’s no real and permanent absolution and resolution for them, then they potentially become toxic and a scourge upon us. (Prov.14:34; Col.2:13-15) So if you are feeling guilty, depressed, and rejected, rather than having the Spirit’s joy, peace, and confidence, then most likely, your “solitary” mindset has come back to dominate your life as a believer (Bula man-river). The “Trinitarian” mindset has become ineffective, even non-existent. It’s like a river (Bula man-river) whose “living waters” (Holy Spirit) has subsided to dangerously low level, and dehydration has set in. We are quenching the Spirit’s work in us, which we are clearly admonished to watch and not allow from happening. (1 Thess. 5:19)

Our reborn life in Christ will always remain true to the principle of substitution God has ordained for humanity to confide and vest in His Son. This is the essence of peace and joy in human life. When the “living waters” (Spirit) in the Bula man-river subsides to a critically low, we can lose touch with, and fail to grasp (unbelief), the enormity of God’s Love which imputes His Son’s perfect and glorious human life upon us for our eternal reconciliation. It is all a matter of God’s Love being manifested in all its sublimity and excellence in us by the power of the Spirit. (Eph. 3:14-19)

The Bible states if we believe Jesus is our Mediator, we are already made right with God – “…that we might receive God’s approval through Him” (2 Cor.5:21b; Rom.3:22, 24-26). Where is guilt and rejection, who is there to condemn, Paul asks? (Rom.8:31-39) We look at our lives through the prism of the Love of the Father who has given His Son to create and manifest a relationship with us that’s authentic as the one He has had with Jesus from eternity. (Rom. 8:29)

Jesus said, “The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing” (John 6:63). The spiritual realm is infinitely more real than our physical, material world. Your new life in Christ is what’s reproducing true life in your human body. Through the glorified humanity of our High Priest in heaven, He presents your sacrificial life on earth, on the altar of sacrifice of His own life, before the Father. Your mortal body and human heart is the copy of the heavenly temple and inner sanctuary where your new reborn life in Christ with God the Father now reside. The imputing activity of Jesus mediation is relived in you each time the Spirit helps you offer your life in sacrificial Love from your heart. The two temples (abodes of God) are merged and become one harmonious expression of the Triune Life in Christ. They cannot exist as entities at odds with each other, but as one.

Prayer – Man’s Sacrificial Pathway Into the Sanctuary

This connection between our heavenly Triune Life, and the earthly mortal life, is made one (Triune/interdependent) through one of the principal Triune activities – the sacrificial prayers and thanksgiving we offer to God, in the Spirit. For relationships can’t exist without loving Triune communication (prayer). There’s also the study of His Word, meditation, and so on. This is what personal and corporate prayer is all about, and why they are important. The sacrificial system of Israel is a picture of what’s happening behind the scenes today, each time we offer prayers as our sacrifice. In prayer we are vocalizing our relationship in the Trinitarian experience in the power of the Spirit through Christ before the Father.

In the New Covenant context, prayer is sacrifice offered to God, as is our praise, and all of life itself – “I call to you, Lord, come quickly to me; hear me when I call to you. May my prayer be set before you like incense; may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice” (Ps.141:1-2). And, “Therefore by Him [Christ] let us continually offer the sacrifices of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name” (Heb.13:15). Praise can exist only in a heart that is filled with the joy of the Spirit who brings us the Triune Life of the Bula man-river.

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Praying Hands by Albert Duere. Prayer Takes Us into the Presence of God. (Pic: Wiki Commons) 

Role of The Spirit

In prayer and praise, we lay our lives bare on the altar of sacrifice before God. Prayer is a unified Trinitarian activity – the Spirit takes our prayers to Jesus, and in our union with Him, presents them perfect before the Father. (Heb.7:25-26; Rom.8:26-27) The admonition that we remain constant in prayer is for the explicit purpose of remaining in the inner sanctuary in heaven so grace can be dispensed incessantly for authentic Triune living in His earthly temple. (1 Thess. 5:17; Luk.18:1-7; 1 Tim.6:19; 4:8) The Spirit, who is given as a gift to be with us “forever,” is at the same time, present in the Triune Being of God in heaven. (John 14:16)

God is omnipresent. So Herald*** is the conductor between this two-pronged, heavenly/earthly, life (temples). He renders the heavenly life in Christ real to us on earth in our mortal bodily temple. For it is in prayer that we are taken into the most Holy place in God’s presence in heaven, where grace is dispensed for Triune Living, transmitted in the power of the Spirit in the earthly temple (human life) and sanctuary ( human heart). This is the reality the Father sees in you, and wants you to see in His Son, by the power of the Spirit. This is Triune Living!

Mistakes – A Springboard for Good, Not Evil

Listen to what Paul says about harmonizing this two-pronged life in Christ, “This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile” (Rom.3:22). Faith is at the heart of the Triune Life. Jesus is God’s righteousness in man, and man’s righteousness in God. It is from this most sacred place that the grace of God flows abundantly to the believer. We may make mistakes in our mortal bodies as we surely would because we live in this fallen world. But God’s provision for man overpowers any and all wickedness and evil.

The heart (sanctuary) is the place where the High Priest does His mediatory work before God, where self-examination, sacrifice and healing takes place, which brings about joyful living and praises. We become better people when we learn from our mistakes. Mistakes should not discourage us, for we have a Mediator who is always taking care of our present by freeing us from our past. Mistakes and failings become a scourge to those who live the “solitary life” where their past never goes away, but follows them wherever they go, how demoralizing and depressing – Jesus is humanity’s answer.

Inter-Dependence not Independence

The reborn Triune existence is about a life of interdependence, not “solitary” independence. In our life in Christ in heaven, we participate in His High Priestly mediation which provides the overpowering means for the eternal reconciliation, forgiveness, and liberty for humanity. If Jesus mediation is not eternally sustainable and viable, then mankind is doomed. God overpowers any and all sins in and through His Son’s mediation.

Where there is God’s light, darkness flees. We pray for daily forgiveness because we are in our complete saved condition in Jesus. Paul said, “There is no condemnation to those who are in Christ and walk according to the Spirit (saved condition). For the law of the Spirit of life (Love), has made me free from the law of sin and death (sin condition)” (Rom. 8:1-2 emphasis added). The body is the temple for the real reborn life in heaven, which will one day be joined to it, and glorified in the resurrection like Jesus own body. (1 John 3:2-3)

Purpose of Earthly Temple – Using Gifts for Others

How is this earthly temple in our mortal life lived out? God endows us with gifts with which to reach out to those who have not heard or believed this breathtaking and awe-inspiring Gospel of living and existing in the Triune Life of God. (You may read Chapter 8 of my Book, titled, “Destiny and Dreams” for further explanation on the subject of gifts. Check my web site for details about ordering my Book). The Spirit’s work in us is prescribed in Matthew 28:18-20 – go into the world and make believers out of unbelievers – how? – by employing our gifts. God is not asking you to do something for Him that you can conjure up in your fearful “solitary” mindset.

We are not living in the old “performance/reward” mindset which we have washed in the blood of the sacrifice. We erroneously think that our gifts and abilities are ‘ours’ which we give to God – as if to say, gifts exists independently from the Creator God, the Giver of all human genius and expertise in the first place. Yet, we saw that God, in His Triune nature of Love, made all things interconnected and interrelated – nothing exist in isolation for ‘solitary’ purpose. In our vain ‘solitary’ and fearful inclination we like to imagine we have something we can give God, while God invites us into His Triune Life so we recognize that we give back only what He has Loving endowed us with in His Love.

So, our gifts are God’s abilities given us through His Son in the Spirit’s fire. (Rom.12:6; 1 Cor.7:7) From the essence of Christ’s Love all human gifts and all goodness spring and take root. (Eph.4:8) The magnanimity of God’s Love is seen in the expression of the incalculable gifts and abilities demonstrated in mankind for the good of all. The Christian faith is about what God has done for man, not what man can do for God. Through Jesus, we live a new reborn life and are given gifts through His Spirit. (Eph. 4:7-8) He’s asking you to embrace what He has done for you – the best thing the Father has done for us is lovingly offer His Son as our repentance, sacrifice, and High Priest. Accepting Jesus in wholehearted faith, is what God expects of us – nothing more, nothing less. All our talents and dreams come from our union with Christ, for Paul says, “that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Col.1:9; 2:2-3).

Human Mind – Where Dreams & Destinies is Birthed

Through our union with Jesus, we are given the wisdom to understand who we are in our God-given destinies. Think about gifts and abilities from the perspective of the decision-making ability of the human mind. Without the mind and its decision making process, gifts and abilities would be non-existent. We would be mere beast, mere animals limited to inflexible instincts. It’s with the mind, knowledge, wisdom, and inspiration of the Spirit, that the miracle of gifts and abilities come to life through the inspired choices we make. God has chosen to join Himself to us, which is why we have minds, reflecting Him. (Gen.1:26-27) We are not beasts. Jesus specifically said what we are to do with our gifts – to unify those who believe the Gospel to the Triune Life of God – He said, “baptize them (give them this new reborn life) into the Life (Name) of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” That is the beginning of man’s life as a “Triune being” in Christ – the Bula man-river.**** (Matt.28:18-20)

Personal Imputation Blessing

Finally, I have left the best for last. I thought if I had this piece inserted somewhere in the middle of this 3-Part installment, you may miss it altogether. It concerns God’s profound Love for you – individually as a person. This principle of imputing Jesus’ Life upon you for your redemption, both spiritual and physical, is something so precious that is passed on to your family because of you – because of your unified reborn life with and in Christ. Listen to what the Bible tells us, “For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy” (1Cor.7:14).

Paul confers this encouraging and awesome blessing from the Lord within the context of marriage and family life. I encourage you to always take your marriage and your family, including those who may not be in the faith (yet), into the hallowed sanctuary of heaven in prayer, so your loved ones may also receive the grace for living in the Spirit. My hope is, I have somehow been able to open your eyes to see the awesome Love of God our Father, Who reserves His unfathomable Love just for you in His Son. There’s much to give thanks for, let’s continually praise Him from the depths of our hearts.


May the blessing of the God who ceaselessly expresses Himself in His dependable Triune Love, be with you today and give you strength for authentic Triune living. Until the next time, live freely and joyfully in Jesus who constantly mediates all our human responses before our Loving Father. This is the essence of the life of the “Bula man-river.”

Kiang                                                                                                                                                          (Your Servant in Christ) 

* Bulu man-river is the metaphor of the “deathly waters” flowing in the person, instead of the “living waters” of the Spirit.

** “Flush-out” is essentially the point when a man-river (person), believing Christ as Savior and Mediator, activates the life-blood of Jesus and flushes out the “deathly waters,” and replaces it with the “living waters” of the Spirit.

***Herald’  is the name I affectionately call the Holy Spirit.

**** The “Bulamanriver” is the metaphor describing the union of man with the Love of the Triune God flowing in humans, making possible the “Triune Life” – the source of the miraculous life in man. To read the many facets of life of the Bula man-river, go to my website where you can order a copy of my Book.  Thank you for your support.

All scriptures are taken from the NIV Version 2011, unless stated otherwise

Note: Any information obtained from this website that is used for publication should be acknowledged by citing the website address, date of acquisition and information pertinent to original authorship. For general guidelines regarding web citations see The Guide for Citing Electronic Information


Greetings again, friends everywhere! May the blessing of the God who ceaselessly expresses Himself in His dependable Triune Love, be with you today and give you strength for authentic Triune living.

In Part 1 of this post, I explained that the purpose of the Bulamanriver* in the Triune Life** is to harmonize the human life, with all his responses, with the divine will of God. We saw this can happen only through a new life humanity is given in Christ by a new birth in the power of the Spirit. Through this miraculous act, we are “born again,” given a new life, in Christ in heaven. Thus, we live a two-pronged life – the reborn true life in heaven, and the physical life on earth. We saw this new life is inaugurated in the life of the believer through the ritual of “baptism.” Baptism signifies the death and burial of the old self, and the birth of humanity’s new identity in Christ’s own death, resurrection, and ascension. He now lives in heaven in Christ. In the parable of the Bulamanriver*, a person now the riverbed and the Spirit of “living waters” forever flows in him/her. We ended on the matter of ‘sacrifice’ where we saw that it is something that can’t be avoided because humanity face the strife of life universally. ‘Sacrifice’ is not bad but good, for our heavenly Father led the way by ‘sacrificing’ His one and only Son for mankind. “Sacrificial Love” is Trinitarian and divine, whereas “self-centered sacrifice” is “solitary” and human. The “Trinitarian Life” is motivated by God’s Love, while the “solitary life” is motivated by human fear. Let’s continue…

Principle of Imputing

Consider the principle of imputing, of assigning, of superimposing the life of Jesus upon believers. In part one, we saw Paul talks about this in his letters to the Galatians, the Ephesians, and the Colossians. This theme shapes and props the New Testament message all through, and reveals the Love and activity of the Trinitarian God in man. Paul tells the Romans, “For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ! Consequently, just as one trespass resulted in condemnation for all people, so also one righteous act resulted in justification and life for all people” (Rom.5:17-18).

If Adam’s disobedience in Eden was and continues to be imputed upon all of humanity resulting in human death and alienation from God, then Jesus’ obedience and faithfulness is likewise attributed to the believer and reconciles humanity to God and brings salvation and true life in the Spirit. We can offer our lives as a ‘sacrifice’ only because Jesus has gone before and offered Himself for mankind. We can love God with all our heart, mind and strength, because as a human, Jesus has already loved God perfectly in our place. In of the fallen state of human beings, inhered from Adam, a person cannot Love God as expected of him/her through human effort. Just as God imputes Adam’s fallen state of existence upon earthly humans, so He imputes Jesus’ perfect and risen heavenly life upon believing mankind, thus becoming humanity’s Mediator.

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Jesus Mediates for the Disciples and Believers at the Last Supper (Philippe de Champaigne, Wiki Commons)

Jesus Had No Sin to Repent

Therefore, the baptism we undergo as believers is to personify the reality of the reborn life we now have in Christ in heaven. It is the participation of His baptism of repentance in the Jordan, which we vicariously assume in Him. Jesus did not have to undergo the baptism of repentance of John the Baptist – he had no sin to repent. John himself said this when Jesus approached him to be baptized, “I am the one who needs to be baptized by you, so why are you coming to me?” (Matt.3:14) But what Jesus told John further expounds this principle, he said, “Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness” (Matt.3:15). And John knew what Jesus meant. He was sent to prepare the way for this momentous event Jesus was about to do for mankind by going into the Jordan, repenting for all humanity.

Overarching Principle

This overarching principle of transference, substitution, and collaborative responsibility is the essence of the Triune Love of God. It explains the inestimable value of God’s Love for mankind. However, the “solitary” existence of humanity is influenced by his fears under the sway and control of the devil. Though humanity choose to live his “solitary” life, nothing exists in isolation or in “solitary” existence apart from God in all His creation and ongoing creative works. He does not depend on creation, but creation depends upon Him for its interconnected and interrelated (Triune) mode of survival. Therefore, this Triune image of the Creator undergirds all His creative handiwork, especially so with humans, and man’s interaction with the Creator, other humans and with all creation – whether we recognize it or not. We ignore it at our own detriment and peril. Everything in the created universe spontaneously harmonizes with God’s interconnected Triune nature and character. It’s an unspoken truth that fills our universe, our earth, and speaks to us in silence for it undergirds all of creation. (Ps.19:1-6)

The challenge that humanity can’t seem to get a handle on, springs from his insistence to relate with God on his own “solitary” terms and fearful mindset, instead of God’s unified “Trinitarian” terms of Loving interdependent relationship. “God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship (relate) in the Spirit and in truth” (John 4:24, emphasis added).  We’re misguided when we imagine what we “do” is what earns us His favor. What we are capable of doing for Him in our “solitary” and fearful frame of mind, will never move the dial of His grace in our favor a single notch. Grace is dispensed through Jesus, and Christ alone. Christ has done it all – He is mankind’s complete Savior. The spirit of loving the “self” is at the root of the “solitary” life in humanity. Mankind, who alone possesses a God-like mind, has to make a deliberate choice to recognize and align himself/herself in this Triune environment. In a previous post, I wrote that true life begins where our concept of God takes root. When we think Trinitarianly in the Spirit, our minds take a totally new perspective in life – we’ll see that everything in creation is interconnected, interrelated, and unified and is meant to be that way, for God is interdependently Trinitarian. More so in His relationship with man, and man’s relationship with his fellow humans. We experience His Trinitarian expression of His outgoing Love in all of life. Nothing in creation has a “solitary” life, or lives in isolation.

Repented for Humanity

So, in true Trinitarian expression of His Love, we see Jesus, though He had no sin to repent of, assumed the “baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins” of John the Baptist, and repented in the place of humanity (Luke 3:3; Matt.3:13-17; Rom.6:3-4). A person repents because Jesus has already done it for him/her, not because he/she is capable of doing it “solitarily” of himself/herself. Or, a person is able to repent of his/her sins when he/she believes God superimposes Jesus own act of repentance upon the believer in the Spirit’s power. The Spirit is given to inspire and convict humans to participate in the assignable repentance of Jesus. (John 16:7-11; 2 Cor.5:21; 1 John 2:2)

The heart to repent comes not from the human will and effort, but from the Spirit’s move and activity in the person. This is the Spirit’s dance of Love with the believer. (Rom.5:5) This is the essence of the divine Triune activity in mankind. Jesus has already mediated for our repentance in Himself when He was baptized in the Jordan, and upon Calvary’s cross. This principle of imputing or crediting Christ’s life and death upon humanity is how we are made right with God.

When we begin to think Trinitarianly, we will realize there’s nothing in the salvation God offers humanity that can be done “solitarily” – it has to be the Triune activity of the divine will all through. And the Trinitarian activity is one of attributing and imputing Jesus’ life upon mankind. That’s the purpose of Jesus taking up His humanity – the “Immanuel,” to join mankind to the Triune God (“God with us”) (Matt.1:23; Isa.7:14).

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Modern day baptism of believers in the Jordan River. Jesus inaugurated Man’s Baptism of Forgiveness of Sins (Pic: Wiki Commons)

Died for Mankind

Though Jesus was without sin and did not deserve death, (for the Bible states, “the wages of sin is death” – Rom.6:23) He was crucified by taking humanity’s sin upon Himself, so we can be forgiven and redeemed. (John 19:16-18; Rom. 6:6-8; 2 Cor. 5:21) This is the principle of attribution inherent in the Triune Being and Life of God, in whose image man was made to replicate. Repentance stands alone if there is no sacrifice to offer for it. Conversely, a sacrifice is relevant only when genuine repentance accompanies it. The two form one movement in Jesus, who mediates both man’s repentance (Jordan) and forgiveness (Golgotha/Cross).

And, equally importantly, Jesus mediates all of our human responses. The first of which was to defeat the devil which Adam failed to do in Eden and brought destruction and death upon man. After His baptism, Jesus was led by the Spirit to face and defeat Satan once and for all in the most important battle fought for mankind’s deliverance. So, by the same attributing principle humanity can defeat the devil’s temptations because Jesus has already done it for us. Jesus tells us, “But take heart; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33, ESV). The ‘world’ corresponds to the ‘wilderness’ where Jesus faced and defeated Satan. (Eph.6:12; Rev.12:9) Peter warns us, “Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Stand firm against him, and be strong in your faith. Remember that your family of believers all over the world is going through the same kind of suffering you are” (1 Pet.5:8-9).

Lived for Humanity – Between Jordan and Golgotha

Three momentous events: Jesus’ baptism in the Jordan, the defeat of the devil in the Judean wilderness and perfect life of service of Love to all, and His death on the cross, resurrection, and ascension, represents all our human responses to life He took upon Himself and now Mediates as our High Priest, today and forever before the Father in heaven. Peter’s account of Jesus’ life speaks of Jesus mediation for man’s human responses,  “You know what has happened throughout the province of Judea, beginning in Galilee after the baptism that John preached – how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him” (Acts 10:37-38; also see Isaiah 61:1-3). In other words, in between these three pillar events, He lived a perfect life. When He took the pain and heartaches of all the people who came to him, and healed all their sicknesses and alleviated their sufferings, He was mediating all our human condition and responses in Himself.

Hence, we are given this Triune statement and blessing, “Surely He took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered Him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on Him, and by His wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all” (Isa. 53:4-6, read the remainder of the chapter). Do we sense the essential meaning of Trinitarian expression of God’s Love? Paul says, “So you also are complete through your union with Christ, who is the head over every ruler and authority” (Col.2:10 NLT). Our wholeness and completeness as a person comes from our union with and in Jesus. This principle of attributing and assigning is at the heart of the Trinitarian life.

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Jesus death on Cross was Ultimate act of Mediation for Fallen Humanity (Wiki Commons)

“More than Conquerors” in Christ

God, by vicariously superimposing the life of Jesus upon believers, is given the ability to overcome the devil and his schemes because He has already defeated Satan in the wilderness. (Matt.4)  He said, “Take heart (be of good cheer), I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33, emphasis added) That is a statement of attributing Jesus’ victory over the devil and the world as embodying our own victory.

Paul affirms this victory, “What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all—how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things? Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? As it is written: “For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered” (or, the sacrificial life). No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Rom.8:31-39, emphasis added).

Israel & The Sacrificial System

Now, think about ‘sacrifice’ in the Trinitarian meaning of its application. For the essential meaning of repentance (Jordan), defeating the devil’s temptations, and human forgiveness through His death (Golgotha/Cross), springs from God’s own ‘sacrifice’ of giving His Son upon the cross for man’s repentance and forgiveness. Ancient Israel offered ‘sacrifices’ to their God. It was part of the national life of Israel. Recall what the sacrifices meant – they were offered because of transgressions and offences. The Levitical priesthood was part of the sacrificial system of Israel. The sacrifice was offered in the temple where God dwelt. The sacrifice was intended to create awareness for the need for reconciliation and reparation for the wrongs done in the community of Israel. Sacrifice is therefore an act of Love reflecting God Himself. Its intention is to replace acts of selfishness with acts of selflessness and generosity. By doing this, over time the nation would become God’s own people reflecting Him. When we look at sacrifice in that light, it is not as undesirable as it seems.

For the sacrifice is an act of God’s Love – that’s the essence of sacrifice from the Trinitarian perspective. Nevertheless, sacrifice can be self-centered – that’s how the “solitary” mind of the Bulumanriver*** experiences the strife and trials of life. The spirit of loving the “solitary” self is at the center of the person’s motivation and action. It’s the 1-dimensional “solitary” life of fear and love for self, as opposed to the 3-dimensional “Triune” Love of God, where man’s activity is outgoing and considers the welfare of others. (Refer my Book, Pg.56, 96, 109) It’s unfortunate, but this is still the case in the lives of many who call themselves ‘Christians.’ They have yet to anchor their lives in the Trinitarian values reflecting the Triune mind of God. They are still living “solitary” lives and trying to impose this fearful mindset upon the Triune God. It’s untenable and unsustainable. It disengages the Spirit and limits His influence in man.

New Covenant Sacrifice

With the Old Covenant done away, the New Covenant presents a different set of answers to the matter of ‘sacrifice.’ (Hebrews, chapters 9 & 10) It has now taken a more all-embracing acceptance of life, with the animal sacrifices removed. We read this in Romans. In the Message Bible we read, “So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life – your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking around life, and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you as the best thing you can do for Him” (Rom.12:1, MSG).

God is not asking you to do something for Him that you conjure up in your “solitary self.” The Christian faith is about what God has done for man, not what man can do for God. He’s asking you to embrace what He has done for you – that’s what God, in His Loving Trinitarian Being, has done in giving His one and only Son. Then, once you recognize that, in turn, you embrace it as the only best thing you can do for Him. The best thing the Father has done for us is Lovingly offer His Son as our repentance, sacrifice, and High Priest. Accepting that in faith wholeheartedly, is what God expects of us – nothing more, nothing less. God has chosen to join Himself to mankind through Immanuel, His Son. This is a picture of Jesus marriage to the Church, His bride.

You, the Temple

The abolition of sacrifices under the Old Covenant does not necessarily mean the end of sacrifices altogether. It is presented in its New Covenant context in Christ’s sacrificial Love. For the sacrificial system of Israel was all pointing to the reality of the ultimate Loving sacrifice fulfilled in Christ’s sacrificial death. Here’s the New Covenant application – under the New Covenant, you are the temple. The temple built by Solomon in all its glorious splendor, was a picture of one superlative truth to God – the truth of humanity as God’s living temple!

When God gave instruction how the tabernacle was to be built down to the finest detail, He was depicting the human life as the temple in whom He would live, walk, and propagate a Triune relationship in His Love. (Exo.chaps. 25-30) Paul affirms this, saying, “We are the temple of the living God. As God has said: ‘I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people’” (2 Cor.2:16; 1 Cor.3:16).

God does not live in a structure made by human hands. If that were true, Solomon’s temple would never have been destroyed. (Acts 7:47-49; Isa. 66:1-2) The old covenant sacrificial system stood for the legalistic life that has been don away, and replaced with the sacrificial Love of Jesus within the new covenant. (Heb.8:7-13)

The physical temple in Jesus’ day, in its spiritual divine/human depiction under the Old Covenant, was destroyed – we know what happened. The moment Jesus breathed His last on the cross, a great earthquake shook the temple and tore the heavy curtain of the inner sanctuary from top to bottom. This was to signify that the temple, given to Israel to illustrate God’s heavenly abode on earth, ceased to exist from that time forward. (Matt.27:50-53)

The temple had translated from a building made with hands, to the living, physical, human believer under the New Covenant. The physical material temple was no longer necessary nor needed, for its reality in Jesus, has come. Jesus takes our humanity in Himself and as mankind’s High Priest into the true inner sanctuary of God’s presence in heaven, once and for eternity. Because of that, all of humanity, from every corner of the globe, now have access to enter the most holy place in heaven through Christ. Our reborn life in Jesus in heaven is replicated in man, God’s very temple on earth. This is the essence of the Triune Life and how it is lived. As to the physical temple in Jerusalem, it was destroyed in A.D. 70, just as Jesus predicted.

In Part 3 of my final installment, I will continue on this subject and see how this principle of attribution and covering affects us personally as Christians and believers. In the mean time, live in the energy of the Lord’s joy in the Bulamanriver.*

Kiang                                                                                                                                                                (Your Servant In Christ) 

** Triune Life means a believer who lives in the Triune Being of God. God, as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, lives and walks in the “Bula” man-river, and he lives in God’s presence. Man’s union with the Triune God is made possible through Jesus, Himself God who took our humanity into the Triune Godhead.

*** Bulumanriver means the person who lives a life in his “solitary” existence in himself without God, but influenced by the devil. (For detailed exposition read my Book: “Bula” man-river – The Miracle of Triune Living.”)

* The “Bulamanriver” is the metaphor describing the union of man with the Love of the Triune God flowing in humans, making possible the “Triune Life” – the source of the miraculous life in man. To read the many facets of life of the Bula man-river, go to my website where you can order a copy of my Book. Thank you for your support.

All scriptures are taken from the NIV Version 2011, unless stated otherwise

Note: Any information obtained from this website that is used for publication should be acknowledged by citing the website address, date of acquisition and information pertinent to original authorship. For general guidelines regarding web citations see The Guide for Citing Electronic Information


Greetings Friends Everywhere,

Thank you for taking the time to share my posts through this Blog site. I hope it has given you encouragement for living, as it did mine in writing it. Life is a joy to live when we follow our Creator’s calling and purpose for life.

In my last post, I have tried to articulate the Triune Life* we have in Jesus through the imagery of the river as articulated in John 7:37-39. In this post, I will continue to draw attention to living the Triune Life we have (exist) in God through Christ in the power of the Spirit. This post is presented in three parts, and explains how Jesus mediates our life and all life’s responses, good and bad, and presents us perfect in Himself as our sacrifice before the Father. This is the essence and heart of what it means to have life, and live it as the Bulamanriver** (Triune Life/Love).

Human Will & Divine Will

The purpose of the Triune life we have in Christ is to harmonize the human life, with all its responses, with the divine will. When Christ came, He made the divine will possible in man, for He was fully God originating from the Triune Godhead, and fully man. It could not have been done before Christ’s coming. So man, by accepting Jesus as Savior becomes like Him, living a unified life with God in a three-pronged existence. One is the divine existence with the Father which Christ brings to him, and the other is his mortal, physical existence lived under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Man’s divine being exists in heaven, made possible because Christ took our humanity into heaven, having glorified it through His perfect life, crucifixion, resurrection and ascension. Man was never able to be joined to this divine Triune Life of God until Christ came – and until man expressed faith in Christ’s work. This is the essential meaning of the name Immanuel ascribed to Jesus to reflect His role of unifying “God with us” (Matt.1:22-23; Isa.7:14).

Jesus at Emmaus. Jesus mediates for Man in His High Priestly Role in Heaven (Pic: Matthias Stom, Wiki Commons)

In that moment of faith, he is given a new birth, or a new life. Jesus explained this to Nicodemus by saying man must be “born again” to have this new divine life from God. Nicodemus assumed man would be given another physical birth with a self-centered “solitary” existence. One is enough to cope with, let alone another “solitary” life to further complicate man’s existence. No, he was mistaken, Jesus was talking of a new birth, a new life from and in heaven. (John 3:1-15) Up until that moment of faith in Jesus, man has always been a “solitary” being, and lives a narcissistic “solitary” life. Now with this new birth, he is no longer a “solitary” being, rather, he takes his place in the life of the Trinitarian God, and becomes a “Triune being” – in place of his “solitary” existence.

Karl Barth, regarded as the greatest Protestant theologian of the twentieth century, writes about this aspect of God’s act in his book, “The Humanity of God.” It did not dismantle the Trinity, God did not become four by adding man in Himself, no, man became part of the Trinity through the second Person of the Triune Godhead – Jesus Christ. Jesus, the Son of Man, took our humanity and glorified it in the very Being of God. The Holy Spirit, because He is One with the Father and Jesus, inherently and automatically became part of us when Jesus glorified our humanity in Himself. Indeed, for God created man for the purpose of joining him to His Triune image and likeness. (Gen.1:26-27)

This difference between the “unbeliever” who has not received Christ, and the “believer” who has Christ, is this new life in Christ which comes to him by a new birth in the power of the Spirit. The guarantee God gives man that his faith in His Son is real – that this new divine birth is reality – is the testimony of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer. Jesus said the Holy Spirit will live in the life of the believer “forever.”  “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you FOREVER” (John 14:16). We see how God cannot deviate from His Trinitarian expression in saving man because that’s who He is by nature – Triune. The Father gives His Son to save man, and through the Spirit, power to live Godly lives. The Spirit’s power to work miracles is the testimony and proof that only believers have this new divine life in Christ in heaven. Paul said if we do not have the Spirit we are none of His. (Rom.8:9b) People believe they go to heaven when they die, no they don’t, man’s already in heaven through the new birth and life in Christ – now! We are waiting for His return with all who dwell with and in Him in heaven. (Mark 8:38; Jude 14-15)

Are Unbelievers Condemned?

Are unbelievers condemned? No, they are all saved. Recall, we were at one time, all unbelievers. The famed passage from John tells us, “For God so loved the world,” – that means not just Christians, the whole world, all peoples of all nations and all race and color – “that he gave His One and only Son.” But the passage goes on to say, “…and whosoever believe in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” All have been saved and waiting for faith to step into their lives and be given the “born again” divine life in Christ. So, all humans live this unbelieving “solitary” life, until in Jesus they are given the believing “Triune Life.” To live this Triune Life in Christ, you are living in heaven, because that is where the Triune God lives. It is in heaven that the “Triune Life” is lived, and made to exist on earth through the believer. God does not live on earth, we do, and He comes and lives His Triune reality in man by and through the Spirit.

The Spirit is what gives us this guarantee of immortality for He constantly takes us into the Triune Life of God in heaven. (2 Cor.5:5) Why did Jesus say of believers, even if they die, they still live – they never die? (John 11:25-26) They never die because their new reborn life in the Spirit they have already taken up residence in heaven – in Christ. Jesus said, “The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing” (John 6:63). This mortal life is a tent or temple. Paul affirms this for us, “For while we are in this tent, we groan and are burdened, because we do not wish to be unclothed but to be clothed instead with our heavenly dwelling, so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life. Now the one who has fashioned us for this very purpose is God, who has given us the Spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come” (2Cor.5:4-5).


This new life we have in Christ is inaugurated in the believer through the ritual of “baptism.” Why is baptism with its inherent meaning so vitally relevant to the believer? Because it expresses a person’s faith in what God is doing through His Son. Through baptism the believer is inducted into this new “born again” life that makes the believer a “Triune being.” Jesus charged the disciples saying, “Baptize them, (or join them) into the life (name) of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit” (Matt.28:19-20). When a person is immersed in water, like a river, it signifies his burial and death with Christ on the cross. When he rises from the watery grave, he is raised up with Christ in His resurrection. And when hands are laid on the believer for the gift of the Spirit, it is then that he ascends to be with Christ heaven by the Spirit’s power. You are dead, and your life is now hid in Christ in heaven. (Col.3:3) This is the birthplace of the Bula man-river,** who takes his or her stand in the finished work of Christ. (My Book explains this in greater detail, refer my website,

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Baptism Site in the Jordan River, Believers following in the Footsteps of Jesus (Pic: Wiki Commons)

Paul affirms our spiritual death and resurrection in the baptismal act, saying, “…having been buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through your faith in the working of God, who raised him from the dead. Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life in now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory” (Co.2:12; 3:1-3).

Paul confirms our death in Christ telling the Galatians, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, (alright, I’m dead) but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me” (Gal.2:20).

Again in another passage, reinforcing the believer’s ascension with Christ, Paul said, “And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus” (Eph.2:6-7).

Christ’s Mediation: Death, Resurrection, & Ascension

This is the substance of man’s faith in Jesus, and God’s faith in man – that we believe God imputes and rubberstamps the mediatory life and work of His Son upon the believer – “I am crucified (died) with Christ.” “You have been raised (resurrected) with Christ.” “God raised me up (ascended) with Christ and seated us with Him in heaven.” As we’ll see, the High Priest is the go-between man and God. This is the reality God the Father sees in every human who believes in His Son. The problematic question to answer seems to be – do I see the same reality the Father sees in me in His Son? Your faith in Christ is no trivial matter. It gives you a new life that exists in another dimension – God’s Trinitarian dimension. Hebrews tells us, “Without faith (in Christ) it is impossible to please God” (Heb.11:6, emphasis added). And this is the question we seek to answer – harmonizing the human life with the divine will. Jesus said, “God is Spirit, and they who worship Him, must worship Him in Spirit and in truth.” The unbelievers with their “solitary” existence cannot exist in this “Trinitarian” dimension.

Looking for “Sacrifice” in All the Wrong Places

Now what happens to this physical mortal body we still have, which Paul calls a “tent?” Elsewhere, he calls it a “temple.” If we exist in heaven in a new life in Christ, then the role of the Spirit is to bring this  Triune Life and unify it with our mortal life. (John 16:13-15) That’s how man is “forever” taken to live this Triune life in Christ, in the power of the Spirit. Let’s see how this plays out. Paul said, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God–this is your true and proper worship” (Rom.12:1). Peter said that when we face trials and called upon to live sacrificially, we should not think of it as something strange, it happens to us all. He said, “rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings (or ‘sacrifice’) of Christ.” (1 Pet.4:12-13)

‘Involuntary’ Sacrifice

Here is another problem: we have wrong ideas about ‘sacrifice.’ We think ‘sacrifice’ is something to be avoided at all costs. Generally, our attitude is, “I’ll live a life against my will – it does not fit-in with the vocabulary of my life. It does not register with me.” The trials and strife of life come at us regardless. We think ‘sacrifice’ happens exclusively to Christians, but not unbelievers – they have it good. We fail to understand, that sacrificial living, though it may not be labeled as such, happens across the spectrum of human experience. Whether we are seeking God’s will for us or not, ‘sacrifice’ is normal and personal. We all live sacrificially, though involuntarily, through the trials and tests of life. No one is immune from this sacrificial life. ‘Sacrifice,’ in one form or another, in every shape and size, is the personal challenge we are called upon to face regardless of race, social status, religion, economic class, nationality, or any wall of division we may want to erect for ourselves. It is the level playing field which defines our humanity.


Dove, Symbol of Holy Spirit (Wiki Commons)

But here is the difference – what matters is the way we choose to respond to the trials and tests of life, and the meaning we assign them in relation to our frame of reference. The greatest teachers in life are wisdom and consequence. Logically, if you have your newborn life in heaven, you will face them differently from those who don’t believe in Christ, who live entirely “solitary” lives. Christ mediates all our human responses. ‘Sacrifice’ now finds meaning and purpose in the believer’s life, for it has become part of the Triune life of God – it’s not something to avoid or regret. It is something to embrace with joy, with your personal calling and life-gift in the Spirit as the attractant and point of reference. (Jam.1:2)  So, the sacrificial life we find in the strife of life teaches us to face them with purpose, faith, and Love. In God’s Triune essence of living, He would not ask us to do something He is not prepared to do Himself. He sacrificed His one and only Son because of His enormous Love for us. By doing so, He expounds the essential sacrificial love which must embody all our sacrificial living and giving. That’s Triune living.

He Who Waters Others…

Anything you give for love’s sake, always comes back and makes you grow and become all the better for it. Proverbs tell us, “He who waters others, will himself be watered” (Pro.11:25, KJV). Loving sacrifice is watering others, and we are watered when it is done in the Love of God, as a true Bula man-river. It is as if God is speaking to humanity through the strife of life of human experience, calling upon man, “Come to Me, come to My Son, and you will find rest to your souls.” Man will fight and struggle and turn all his life’s strife and tribulations into a burden too heavy to carry. It has brought on all kinds of stress, sickness, and diseases. But if a man is objective about life in his search for answers, over time he’ll discover he’s backed himself into a corner from which he cannot turn away. He may not like what he sees. He may want to escape it, rather than facing up to its reality. But the answer is obvious and undeniable, and he knows it. Yes, it is Jesus Christ. God offers us a life of sacrifice that’s lived in His Triune Love, not in man’s “solitary” mode or genre. God’s “sacrificial Love” is Trnitarian and divine, whereas, “self-centered sacrifice” is “solitary” and human.

In Part 2 of my installment, we will continue on this subject and cover the principle of imputation, of assignment, of attributing, Paul mentioned in the passages we saw in this installment.

I’ll see you then, meanwhile, realize God’s Love in His Triune expression for you, is far too great for our limited human mind to comprehend fully and completely yet. So we’re living far short of what He has already done and is doing for us because our “solitary” disposition always gets the better of us. Only when we enter the Triune Being of God in Christ, will we see the full expression of His Love toward us in all its magnanimous expression. This is the place of miracles. (Eph. 3:17-21)


* Triune Life means a believer who lives in the Triune Being of God. God, as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, lives and walks in the “Bula” man-river, and he lives in God’s presence. Man’s union with the Triune God is made possible through Jesus, Himself God who took our humanity into the Triune Godhead.

** The “Bula man-river” is the metaphor describing the union of man with the Love of the Triune God flowing in humans, making possible the “Triune Life” – the source of the miraculous life in man. To read the many facets of life of the Bula man-river, go to my website where you can order a copy of my Book. Thank you for your support.

All scriptures are taken from the NIV Version 2011, unless stated otherwise

Note: Any information obtained from this website that is used for publication should be acknowledged by citing the website address, date of acquisition and information pertinent to original authorship. For general guidelines regarding web citations see The Guide for Citing Electronic Information


Greetings Precious Friends,

I hope my last post about the meaning of “obedience” in the life of the Bula man-river*has brought you peace of mind and joy in your life. In this post, I will try to explain man’s relationship with God, and how this relationship is made to exist properly in God’s Triune Love so that the miraculous life God wants you to live becomes a personal reality with those of your loved ones, your neighbor and community. My sincere desire is that it will bring you an energizing joy which only the Spirit can give.

My Book, “Bula man-river – The Miracle of Triune Living,” was written to explain this very question. It sees this divine/human relationship through the metaphor of the river. Jesus gave many parables likening things of natural occurances in nature to spiritual realities. “He (Jesus) did not say anything to them without using a parable” (Mark 4:34). Through this parabolic imagery of the river, the Book  explain man’s authentic relationship with the Triune God in the life of the Bula man-river. In my previous posts I have explained the nature of God as Trinitarian in the Father, Son (Logos), and the Holy Spirit. This is the starting block in man’s relationship with God where he relates with Him in who He is in His true nature. God is not solitary, but Triune. (Read my posts “Life Begins Where Our Concept of God Takes Root – The God Who Is Trinitarian, Pts. 1,2 & 3.” For a more expanded explanation, please read my Book)

Man is a Spiritual “Riverbed” for Holy Spirit (Wiki Commons)

The Bula man-river, as the title above explains – “Riverbed (Man) + “Living Waters” (Spirit) = Bula man-river” – is the authentic union of man with the Triune God through the Spirit. The Bula man-river is the true child of God for he is the union of man with the Triune God in Jesus Christ who took our humanity into the Godhead, and in our present human form, takes us into the divine existence in the power and activity of the Holy Spirit.

In this post, I would like to explain how a believer actually takes his or her stand in this relationship with the Triune God. By understanding this, we will know what our authentic human response entails as we live in His constant presence through the Holy Spirit. Jesus explains why it is vital we understand this so we may experience this bona fide relationship with God. He said, “God is Spirit, and those who worship (relate with) Him must worship (relate) in Spirit and in Truth” (John 4:24). 

This understanding of relating with God on His “Spirit/Truth” terms is vital to our well-being, because as humans it is natural to dictate a relationship on man’s “solitary” terms. When we discover how this relationship ought to work on God’s “Trinitarian” terms, we could grow and experience Him more authentically. (2 Pet.3:18) On that basis, man’s functional relationship with God ought to encourage him to make a type of comparative analysis and evaluation of human life as it relates with our Maker. We evaluate His “Trinitarian worldview,” as opposed to man’s “solitary worldview.” First, God is divine and Triune, and sustains the universe and all life. He is a God with whom nothing is impossible. He is omniscient, all powerful, all-wise, and all-Loving in His Triune nature. He knows you better than you know yourself. He bestows gifts upon us so we can find purpose and meaning in life. He shapes our past, lives with us in the present, and orchestartes our future destiny.

Now, think about man, he is physical and from the day he is born, his days are numbered. He is “solitary” by nature, while God is “Triune.” He has no clue or adequate explanation how this world works and who sustains it. He cannot control his future, let alone know how it will work out. At any moment, in any number of ways, his life could be snuffed out, without his concurrence. In my Book, I said, “Man is perplexed by the dilemma of human existence. Having emerged from nothing without our concurrence, with consciousness of self, thoughts, and deep inner feelings, to live a life of vibrancy for self-expression, never satisfied but ever exploring, and then to die is disconcerting to say the least. Physical life is fragile, as much as it is perplexing. He fails to realize that his “solitary-driven” life is the underlying trigger for his quandary. Nonetheless, deep in our consciousness we question if there’s something larger than life itself – something bigger that can conquer death, man’s greatest enemy. Yet, in the Bible we come to see that God promises man immortality. (Rom.6:23) So, there has to be something greater than we can understand as humans, which overrides our knowledge and beliefs about ourselves.” (Bula man-river, Pg.34, emphasis added)

Now, from this comparative analysis we see our human “solitary” existence in all its obvious frail, limited, and malevolent  expression. Then, we see God’s divine “Triune” existence, perfect, and completely harmonious and Loving in all His expression. He is the Source of life, wisdom and power. From this standpoint, we perceive why Jesus said we are to relate (worship) with God by seeking His spiritual reality (truth) as our priority. To believers and non-believers alike, our human reality is plain to see – it cannot sustain a life of superabundance** we seek in our hearts. The barrenness of our “solitary” human reality stares us in the face. We cannot ignore this, nor can we escape it.


Waters of River Represent Holy Spirit (Wiki Commons)

This analysis gives us the reality (truth) about man’s “solitary” existence and his dilemma. None of us asked to be born into the human race. Nevertheless, we are here not by choice but by a greater design of the Creator. This ought to humble us to ask questions about life, more than we are ordinarily hasty to affirm what we may not understand about it. Because we are made in God’s Triune image, it affirms for us a future more glorious than our feeble minds dare to believe. Without Christ’s living faith, it is impossible to live this authentic Trinitarian life of God. (Heb.11:6)

Malevolence of Man

In his impetuosity, man follows a “solitary” path that seems right to him. Even as believers, we act and live as “solitary” beings, failing to understand what it means to live the Christian life in the  “Triune” existence of God. He is still caught in the quagmire of religion which dictates its legalistic demands. So instead of being “Triune” persons, and wise observers, we are still groping in the dark about things we don’t understand. We fail to comprehend our place in God’s plans for humanity, and our personal destinies in Christ. We fail to live miraculous lives.

So, we see man living life, and doing things that’s not his rightful place to do, and wonders why he fails miserably at it. Without proper evaluation, man does his own thing, and inadvertently do what rightly belongs to God. Ignorance gets the better of him. Man does not exist on a knowledge-based existence for nothing. We are to use our minds, make evaluations and comparative analysis about life, which should give us the understanding to make informed decisions. This exercise in self-evaluation is something we will do for the remainder of our human life. Quite simple, if we are perceptive, we will see that the chasm that separates us from God is the “solitary” life we espouse and refuse to give up for the “Triune” life in Christ, which our heavenly Father offers freely.

We draw a lesson of this principle from the life the ancient Israelite King Saul. He took something sacrosanct and desecrated it. He did not know, or if he knew, he failed to acknowledge his place in God’s scheme of things. (1Sam.13) Through man’s malevolence he lives like there is nothing sacrosanct anymore. He knows no better for he lacks the inquisitive mind to constantly evaluate his own humanity, and the repercussion his “solitary” thoughtless actions is brought to bear upon his life. Observe how a “believer,” for Saul was an Israelite and its king, imposes his “solitary” will upon a situation that requires a “Trinitarian” or collaborative response. It cannot work. Let’s continue to make this self-evaluations about ourselves, and see if we are indeed having an authentic relationship with God in His Triunity.

Man was Made to be Sacrosanct

In His Word, God makes a clear delineation what is sacrosanct and is under His sovereign prerogative. One of this is the temple responsibilities and how it is administered, which King Saul violated. Now, the temple is the dwelling place of God. But God does not dwell in physical temples made by human hands, but a temple that is spiritual, which He has prepared for Himself. (Acts 7:48; 17:24; 1 Pet. 2:4-5)  Because of that, the temple is primarily a place for “Triune” living, where man takes his place in Christ’s glorified humanity. Our human “solitary” life cannot breathe nor live in this environment. This temple is man. Man is the spiritual temple God created in which He lives and walks. (1 Cor. 3:16-17; 6:19-20) The temple is the place sacrifices are made. It continues to be made today, but not in the mode of animal sacrifices of the Old Covenant, but the New Covenant sacrifice in Christ. Listen to how this activity is done in the temple under the New Covenant: “So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life – your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking around life, and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you as the best thing you can do for Him.” (Rom.12:1 MSG)

Paul is here depicting the collaborative “Triune life” of God in man. The “Triune life” we live is an act of sacrifice because we are exchanging the natural “solitary” life of man for the divine “Triune” life of God. Jesus, who existed in Triunty with the Father and the Spirit from eternity, said, “I can do nothing on my own initiative: as I as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me. If I alone testify about Myself, My testimony is not true” (John 5:30:31, NASB). It’s in this bodily temple environment that the “Triune life” is lived and experienced in all its miraculous wonder, and where God meets with us and we relate with Him in His Triune Being. The “solitary” life cannot exist in this environment.


How do we, in our fallen and depraved state of being, with an outlook that’s “solitary” and ends in death, live this  “Triune” life which brings superabundance? Our physical earthly place in this Godly relationship is to be viewed from the position and perspective of the RIVERBED. You are the RIVERBED. The Bula man-river’s life is inherently Triune – there’s the RIVERBED (you), there’s Jesus and Herald (Spirit), both of whom interpenetrates the “living waters” which flow in the RIVERBED. The RIVERBED gives us a succinct depiction of the Triune life of God in man. When a person receives Jesus as Savior, he is immersed in the “living waters” (Spirit – John 7:38). In ancient times, as it was in Jesus’ day, people were baptized (immersed) in a river, like the Jordan River. This immersion symbolizes the death and burial of the “solitary” (old) unbelieving self. (Gal.2:20) So, rising out from the baptismal waters signifies the birth of the “Triune” (new) believing self into the Trinitarian life of God in the power of the Spirit. Jesus said, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the Kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but Spirit gives birth to spirit” (John 3:5-6).

Paul says we become this new Triune being of faith only because Christ’s miraculous resurrection is continuously being reenacted in believers today. This resurrection (incarnation) into the Triune life of God is one of many miracles which God, in His grace, gives to man. If we are resurrected, then consequentially we are also miraculously ascended with Him into the very presence of the Triune life of God. (read Eph.2:4-7) The resurrection and the ascension go hand-in-hand. Just as man is being eternally forgiven because of Christ’s unbroken sacrifice and mediation for all time (eternity), so man is being continuously resurrected and ascended through Christ’s faith in man. The forgiveness (cross), resurrection, and ascension, is one movement in the act of salvation Christ brings to man.

God’s Reality of Believing Man

Realize this: this is the reality God sees in you, the believer: “God raised us up with Christ (resurrection) and seated us with Him in heavenly realms in Christ Jesus (ascension)” (Eph. 2:6). Man’s dilemma seems to be that he does not see, let alone believe, the same reality which God sees in man in His Son. This is the most awesome reality that can enter the mind and life of man. The reality of man burying his “solitary life” in the watery grave of baptism, then rising to take up his place in the new “Triune life” in Christ in heaven. This is the awe-inspiring expression of God’s grace toward man. The real “believing-you” resides in heaven in Christ. This is a life of faith. To live this life requires the Personal living faith of Christ, not man’s faith. The provision of divine faith, as in every other aspect of life, is a Loving act of giving within the Triune life of Christ. Man’s faith is “solitary” and inadequate, Christ’s faith is Triune and takes us where no human faith can. Only the living faith of Jesus steps into our place and moves God to give us the grace to live this reality – this is the loving activity that exists within the Triune life. So, we see that even in this matter of faith, it requires the collaborative life within the Triune Godhead, to supply it. Christ’s faith is a gift of God to the believer through the Spirit. (Gal. 2:16, 20, KJV). God says to us, “Without (Christ’s) faith it is impossible to please God” (Heb.11:6, emphasis added).

If God sees the real incarnated you as present with Him through Christ in heaven, how does He see the reality of your physical life on earth? Jesus said, “The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing” (John 6:63). So, the physical “solitary” earthly life “counts-for-nothing.” That’s to say, whatever we can do in our “solitary” physical effort, which we may boast about, all “count for nothing,” for man’s salvation rests entirely upon the finished work of Christ, which brings to us the Triune life of God. This, Herald continues to manifest in the believer. “The blessings of the Lord, it makes rich, and our toil adds nothing to it” (Prov. 10:22, JPS emphasis added). We are saved by the Triune grace, not our “solitary” works. (Eph. 2:8-9)  Therefore, in the life of the Bula man-river (you), this “count-for-nothing” “solitary” life is depicted in the imagery of the RIVERBED. The RIVERBED imagery properly fits man’s “count-for-nothing” physical life that’s now overwhelmed by the Spirit’s activity of Love.

“Hide” IN Christ – Man’s Purpose

So, what is your role and mine in this activity of the Spirit in our lives? Very simply, we are “to hide in Christ.” Nothing more, nothing less. This is what the essence of the Trinitarian life means – “hiding” in Jesus. The Bula man-river is the human being “hiding” in the form of the RIVERBED covered in the full-flowing “living waters” of Jesus through the Spirit. All he sees as he looks up and out is this covering Love of Christ in the “living waters” of the Spirit. “For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.” (Col. 3:3; Ps. 17:6-9). We read earlier from Romans 12, “Embracing what God has done for you as the best thing you can do for Him.” The best act the Father has done for man is to give us His Son as the stronghold to “hide” us from the enemy – and that is the best we can do for God, to continuously “hide” in Jesus. The Psalmist affirms, “You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance” (Ps. 32:7). No one comes to the river to see the RIVERBED (you); they can’t, for the RIVERBED is hidden from view by the “living waters” (Spirit) that cover it. They see and interact with Jesus who covers and “hides” you in the “living waters” of the Spirit, or they see the devil and his wickedness as your mantle – the Bulu man-river.***

In my Book I said this: “To “hide in Jesus” means we heed the warning to live and “not quench the living waters of the Spirit” (1 Thess. 5:19).  Instead, we are to fill our lives like the river covers its banks. If the waters subside enough, it will expose the RIVERBED with all its unsightly attributes, and we will no longer be hidden in Christ. The flesh will gain greater influence in the Bula man-river, and Jesus’ inspiration will diminish. Hence we are told to “wake up from our slumber and be zealous…” (Rev. 2:4-5; 3:3, 18-19). The deathly Bulu man-river was “flushed out” and is gone forever. Our response is to see that we remain hidden in Christ, for our completeness is in Him, not in our actions—no matter how good they may be. Never invert the priority. As much as Jesus is filled to the top in the Bula man-river, everything else will fall into place like a miracle. Indeed, it’s a miraculous life that we live.” (“Bula man-river –  The Miracle of Triune Living,” Pg.73)

I hope the imagery of the Bula man-river helps us to see the reality God sees in us – both this “believing Spirit-life” of you in heaven, and this “count-for-nothing” physical life here on earth, as Jesus portrayed for us. (John 6:63) The Bula man-river’s physical earthly life is the RIVERBED at the bottom of the river, covered with the “living waters” of the Spirit who now shares His life with you, the believer. This imagery of the RIVERBED depicting your human life in the Spirit, and your new believing life in Christ in heaven, is the reality God wants to see in man, and what God wants man to see in himself. 

The river’s course through the valleys and communities is the person’s calling to “water” those he comes in contact daily. (Prov. 11:25 KJV) The “living waters” with which we water people are the fruits of Love as we live our calling and destiny in the Spirit’s life unified in man’s life. We must allow the Spirit to live in us and orchestrate our circumstances through the faith of Jesus. The people of our valleys through which we flow will be attracted to us through the “living waters” (work of the Spirit) that will bring them life and abundance – the RIVERBED is not seen, for he or she is hidden and cloaked in the “living waters” in Christ in heaven. (Col.3:3) The RIVERBED is constantly drinking of the “living waters” (Spirit) which overflows him, and the Spirit is now the full flowing expression of Love in the believer’s life. The ocean of God’s Love in which we “hide” is what gives us the ability to swim in life.  

The RIVERBED portrays for us a spiritually healthy depiction of how to live our physical life on earth filled to the full with the Spirit’s Love and goodness, making the Triune life possible. He has been given to be with us “forever.” (John 14:16) It enables man to respond authentically in his physical response to God’s calling and destiny in Christ. This is the reality of the Triune God for man. Let us make it our reality too.

Until the next time, live the Triune life of the Bula man-river, and let the Spirit flow in you and create wonders to behold and be inspired.

Kiang (Your Servant in Christ) 

** Superabundance means God in all His magnanimous love and the expression of His grace toward man, which includes both his physical and spiritual well-being. Material wealth alone without a sound spiritual base is not the abundance implied.


*** Bulu man-river is the union of man with his fallen, unsaved self who lives under the deception and sway of the devil.

* The “Bula man-river” is the metaphor describing the union of man with the Love of the Triune God flowing in humans, making possible the “Triune Life” – the source of the miraculous life in man. To read the many facets of life of the Bula man-river, go to my website where you can order a copy of my Book. Thank you for your support.

All scriptures are taken from the NIV Version 2011, unless stated otherwise

Note: Any information obtained from this website that is used for publication should be acknowledged by citing the website address, date of acquisition and information pertinent to original authorship. For general guidelines regarding web citations see The Guide for Citing Electronic Information


Greetings Friends Around the World,

You are precious in the sight of our God – the Father of all mankind. He wants us to understand that He made mankind in His Triune image so we can enjoy being in His presence. That is the Gospel in its simplest form. I hope you found my last 3 posts about God’s Trinitarian nature enlightening and relevant to your life and your loved ones. I hope you were able to see its significance to your promised destiny in Christ that’s undergirded in the life of the Spirit who takes us into the Triune Life of God and makes all things possible – even immortality. (Eph.1:13-14) It is this self-same life-posture, that the first century Christians were accused of “turning the world up-side-down,” or more accurately, “right-side-up.” (Acts 17:6 KJV) It opens for us the path to answer our true identity as humans in this world – that we were made to be “Triune beings” in Christ, in place of the “solitary beings” that we are in our fallen state of existence. (Gen.1:26-28; Rom.3:23; John 3:16)

In this post, I would like to discuss a subject that’s relevant to our peace of mind and joy as believers – it is the topic of “obedience.” “Obedience” and LOVE are flip sides of the same coin. Regrettably, “obedience” has come to have a life of its own with a legalistic meaning that’s associated with living the “solitary” life of man, and the burden that comes with it. In his “solitary” frame of mind, man is constantly struggling with trying to manage sin (“obey”), and it can never be done. It is lamentable that every time the word “obedience” is uttered, most times it is framed in its “solitary” legalistic demands which places unsustainable burden on people. So, we struggle with something that has become foreboding and daunting rather than a joyful and mollifying experience with God. It is my hope you will come out of the entrapment of legalistic “obedience” which is a heavy and grave burden to carry. The Bible tells us that it is for “freedom” that Christ came. (Gal.5:1) He said, “Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matt.11:29). Let’s begin.

“Obedience” has become a loaded word because it is presented to people in its religious undertone, and legalistic frame of reference. Our call to live the unified Triune life of God in Christ, is not a religion to be “obeyed,” but a relationship to be experienced founded upon LOVE. Whenever God tells man in the Bible, “If you will obey Me…” (2 Kings 3:14) He is really saying, “If you will LOVE Me…” God does not enforce “obedience” upon anyone. Where His LOVE exists, there is freedom, not “obedience by domination. The prophet Isaiah qualifies man’s “obedience” by saying, “If you are willing and obedient…” (Isa. 1:19, emphasis added) “Obedience” that comes with a willing heart is “obedience” given out of freedom and LOVE.

We are “Triune beings” as the result of our union in Christ, who is Himself Trinitarian with the Father and the Holy Spirit. We don’t live as “solitary beings”- that life was buried in the watery grave of baptism in the “flush-out.”* As born-again believers, we take our place as riverbeds, with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, interpenetrating the “living waters” which now flows through the riverbed – or, in one word, the Bula man-river.** People come and relate with the waters of the river, not the riverbed. The riverbed (you) is your life-destiny charted by the Father for Jesus and the Spirit to flow in you as “living waters” through the valleys of your calling. We can only freely “obey” God because we freely exist in His Triune LOVE, and we learn to LOVE God first as God LOVES us, which endows us with the same LOVE to extend to our fellowmen. We LOVE, therefore, we willingly and freely “obey.” We LOVINGLY and willingly “obey” because Jesus has done it for man, not because man can of himself do it. Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of man’s testimony, law, and responsibility.

In my Book, Bula man-river – The Miracle of Triune Living, I said this: “Humans were not made a subservient species, so obedience doesn’t come naturally. Man was made to rule and have “dominion” (Gen. 1:26, 28). This dominion spirit is why man resents “obedience” because it is an act of “domination” which inhibits freedom. Be that as it may, ‘obedience,’ when given, is either legitimate or illegitimate. Legitimate obedience can exist only in an environment of love, not domination. True obedience is simply man’s unforced, spontaneous response of adoration and worship, which comes naturally in an environment of love. This is reflected in what he does (“obey”) to please the one he loves in response to the love he receives. Obedience is birthed out of respect, veneration, and worship. Domination is never in the equation when we consider legitimate obedience. Meditate upon the vision of God’s love in your life. He does not exist for Himself alone. He made us to enjoy being in His Triune presence (Ps. 67). Respect, venerate, worship, and love God, and proper loving obedience will follow.” (Pg.208)

Think of God’s Triune LOVE in its full expression as recorded in 1 Corinthians 13 and other passages (see the list of these fruits in my ‘post’ dated May 7th 2013, titled “Life Begins Where Our Concept of God Takes Root – “Creative” Trinitarian Life, Pt.3″; or in my Book, Pg.112). These fruits are not legalistic laws we “obey,” they are all life expressions or LOVE-fruits that are expressed in relational and inter-personal context. Indeed, for these fruits of LOVE undegirded the Triune Life of the Father, Jesus, and Herald*** (Spirit) from eternity. They are pictures of the energizing LOVE of God flowing in man which the Spirit produces in the life of the Bula man-river (you). Just as the “ocean” is the supporting and enabling condition for all marine life in the seven seas, the LOVE of God is the “ocean” which creates the LOVING condition in which God loves man and enables man to LOVE God back, and his fellow humans.

No human government regulates laws against these fruits (action) of LOVE in the Spirit. These fruits reflect the basic human/spiritual rights innate in mankind which has its foundation in God’s image of LOVE. (Gen.1:26-27) So man, as he has been hereditably endowed by God, is called upon to live by these fruits of LOVE in his relationship with God first, and his fellowmen. (Matt.22:36-37) So, Paul says there is no law against them (fruits of LOVE – Gal.5:23). If LOVE can’t be legalized (made law) then “obedience” by domination is made redundant. Who has ever gone to a human court of law to answer to charges for being kind, patient, not easily angered, joy, humility, honesty, etc – you get the picture. LOVE is the power of God upon which man is sustained in a universe God nurtures in His LOVE. Everything God does is an act of LOVE, for God is LOVE. (1 John 4:8)

These LOVE fruits reflect the image of God which undergirds mankind’s basic human dignity, made in His likeness, and cuts across borders, nations, cultures, peoples, tribes and languages. They are man’s immutable connection to the Creator who is LOVE and Triune by nature. These fruits are not laws to be “obeyed” legalistically, but is the LOVE-energy of the Spirit that flows in man into the valleys of his calling and destiny. These fruits of the Spirit keeps man connected to who he is – man is the image of LOVE within the Triune Being of God. Through God’s Triune LOVE, in which believers now exist through the Spirit, every demand of the law (“obedience”) is met and satisfied in Christ. In Christ (LOVE), the true believer is above the law (saved), not under the law (condemned). 

Even if we consider a situation where there may be no codified law about stealing, for example, as it was prior to the law given at Mt. Sinai, God’s unwritten law of LOVE, which is inherently expressed in the form of kindness, compassion, and honor, are really the values which undergirds our actions. They tell us to recognize and respect the property of others, and not covet what is not ours. We don’t need a law to tell us that, LOVE does that automatically. Today, the world live by codified laws, whether in secular or ecclesiastic “obedience,” because the people of the world still live as “solitary” beings (not “Triune” beings in Christ) who require a legalistic framework to exist.

We don’t “obey” God, we LOVE God. For when we LOVE God, “obedience” comes as a natural outgrowth of it. “Obedience” to the law is based upon the Old Covenant with Israel which has been replaced with the New Covenant of Grace in Christ, where God’s LOVE enflames a joyful devotion to live in the Triune Life in all our human responses with God and all mankind in Christ. Originally, God’s relationship with Abraham was not codified in law – it was based upon LOVE and faith. When you LOVE someone, you place your trust and faith in that someone. God respected Abraham’s faith, and it declared him righteous for it, for it reflected God’s own image of LOVE, faith, and hope. (Rom.4:20-22; 1 Cor.13:13) Through LOVE and faith, Abraham related with God, and willingly “obeyed” God. The law has “limited” application of LOVE, for example, the Bible gives the definition of murder and adultery as originating in the heart where hatred and sensuality has taken the place of LOVE and finally ends in “disobedience.” (1 John 3:15; Matt.5:27-28; 15:17-20)

To LOVE God 

The command to LOVE God with everything we have – “with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind,” is impossible to do in the “solitary life” of man. (Luke 10:27). It takes a miraculous act of the Spirit, who takes us constantly into the “Triune Life” of God which gives man the capacity to LOVE God through the One who has already done it for man – Jesus. Only a God-Being could LOVE another God-Being alike and perfectly. Only Jesus, who is Himself God, could LOVE His Father perfectly. He became man to make the LOVE command possible for man. The Spirit continuously transports the believer into the “Triune life” of God through Christ thus energizing man to LOVE God in the Spirit’s persona of LOVE.

Unified Presence of The Spirit

The Spirit, while He is unified in the ONE Triune Being of God with Jesus and the Father,  simultaneously lives in the believer “forever.”  Jesus prayed, “And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Advocate to help you and be with you forever” (John 14:16). This “forever” ‘dual’ but unified presence of the Spirit, shows that His role is to integrate man in one unbroken movement with God through Jesus, man’s Mediator. (John 16:13-15) The Spirit’s undeniable function is to eternally (i.e. “forever”) facilitate in man the Triune God-Life by bringing God to man, and taking man back to God in one continuous circulatory flow of His ONE existence in the Triune God and in man. (Psa.139:7-12)

Just like a river’s waters (Bula man-river) has a circulatory life, flowing in one movement from the mountains, through the valleys, and into the Ocean (God), then naturally begins all over again, so is the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of “living waters” flows “forever” from God into man, and takes the Bula man-river (you) into the presence of the Father through the Son, and brings to man the grace to live the Triune life of LOVE in God. It is through the Spirit’s Triune life with Christ that gives us the capacity to LOVE the Father (God) with all our hearts. This is the ever-flowing miraculous activity of the Spirit in the life of man. For only by a miracle can we be transformed from a “solitary” being to a unified “Triune” being thus enabling us to willingly “obey” this LOVE command. This is the essence of the meaning of “obedience” in man. The Triune LOVE is at the center of man’s existence. Man’s love is “solitary,” God’s LOVE is Triune.

Remember this, the purpose of the Trinitarian Life we have in Christ is to experience Their LOVE firsthand as we live in Their Triune relationship with each other. This is not academic, this is the Gospel being lived out in its primordial sense, and it takes a miracle to live it, as the Spirit continuously brings us into the Triune Life of God.

Here are excerpts from my Book on the subject of “obedience” and LOVE:

“There is no “obedience” in love, only joyful devotion. When such a love becomes our reality, obeisance comes naturally and lovingly. It is a sad commentary that man has come to see obedience in a negative light. Legalism is at the root of this gross misunderstanding. We have added so much “religion and religiosity” to obedience that we think God is trying to subjugate His people as a stern judge and ruler. Then we emulate this concept in life to those with whom we associate. Obedience becomes like a transaction to be traded for “good behavior” – this is evil to its core. Obedience exists only in a condition of fear and evil. Where there is no evil but love, obedience becomes redundant.” (Pg.207-208)

“Man’s effort (obedience) counts for nothing if he does not have the wherewithal to love God. The Bible states without love we are nothing, no matter how noble or how great our contribution to “good works” (1 Cor. 13:1-3). Obedience is the keyword of the legalist. There is no obedience in love. God does not have to obey Himself, for He is love. For Him, it is effortless to live in love for He is love. Therefore, obedience is irrelevant and inapplicable. Obedience is for the disobedient. Obedience is for the fearful legalist. Life is about living in the covering ocean of God’s loving existence in and through Jesus. Obedience is living in a continual state of trying to cope with and control sin, and it can’t be done. Don’t misunderstand, man is not without sin, but at the same time the Bible declares man is righteous only in Christ. God is not imposing His justice upon us; He is imputing His grace in His Son’s atonement for our justification. That’s how He loves us, so we can love Him in return. Our faith in His atonement in Jesus keeps man right with God (Rom. 3:9-26, 8:1-4; 1 Cor. 1:30; 2 Cor. 5:21; Gal. 2:19-22; Phil. 3:7-11). When we respond to someone in love, we do things to please the object of our affection. That’s not obedience, that’s love. Obedience is for the disobedient and the legalist.”

Loving God Perfectly in My Place

“It was a beautiful morning in Honolulu, Hawaii. I was taking a morning walk and praying when I felt an ache in my heart. I told God, “I’m so sorry I couldn’t love You more than I would have liked, and it pains me in my heart.” Herald, the name I affectionately call the Spirit, had brought me to a place in my life where I saw that no matter what I did it would never be enough to express my love for God. In an instant, as if from nowhere, He answered me in my heart and said, “Even though you couldn’t do it, Jesus is the one who can love Me perfectly in your place.” The ache in my heart disappeared. Tears welled into my eyes. I can’t explain this except to say that this is the pattern of the miraculous life we are promised in His Son. The joy that entered my heart was inexpressible.”

“Here is the question: did I feel like living my life the way I wanted, independently, apart from Him? No, if anything the experience drew me closer to Him than ever, and living my life in Him was now my consuming desire. It made me desire all the more to please Him. Never for a moment did the word obedience enter my mind. Disobedience could not enter that environment. With such inexplicable joy overwhelming me, the last thing that crossed my mind was obedience. Obedience was irrelevant, but love was all that mattered. I wanted only to please Him. The life of miracles is not a transaction to be negotiated in exchange for obedience. It is a relationship to be tasted, enjoyed, and reciprocated in love. Did I become perfect and sinless from that time onwards? No, I’m still human, but it made me see I can love God perfectly through Jesus, by faith (1 Cor. 1:29-31; Rom. 10:4; Col. 2:10). I was connected to the reality I have in Jesus, confident about His mediatory role in liberating me from all my imperfections. I wanted all the more to follow Him.”

“As I said, obedience makes you think of sin and how to manage it on a constant basis, whereas our minds rightly should be immersed in the ocean of His love. Our minds are to focus on Christ, not sin (Isa. 26:3).Through the fall of man sin entered the world and man’s spirituality became defined by the law (Rom. 5:12). However, the law became the very power of sin itself, which grips us in its tentacles (1 Cor. 15:56; Rom. 4:15). The law was a temporary measure until the Spirit came and replaced it (Gal. 3:19). Our obedience to the law will not save us, because the law, like a merry-go-round, keeps us in remembrance of our condition and keeps on condemning us. It was given to lead man to Christ, where we are taken from the “sin condition” in the law to the “saved condition” in Jesus (Rom. 3:20; John 16:9).This is what the life of the Bula man-river brings.”

“Living this triune life with and in God is as natural as He is love – it is not a forced obedience. God accepts His Son in our place, as our vicarious defense against the law which defines sin and demands our life. So when Christ died as our perfect human atonement, we died in Him (Rom. 7:4-6). When He was resurrected, we were lifted with Him. When He ascended to heaven, we relocated in Him (Eph. 2:4-6). The covenant promise God makes with man in His Son removes the heart-of-stone and replaces it with the heart-of-flesh. This is our new life in Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension (Heb. 8:6-11). The heart of fear dies and reincarnates into a heart of love (God). This is the miraculous life we have been called to live, for nothing but a miracle can make it happen.”

“Regarding the issue of “cheap grace,” if man does not respond genuinely to the offer of grace, if man thinks he can do it on his own without Jesus, or a 50/50 proposition with Jesus, then he has not truly comprehended the gospel. What he believes is something phony and has no power to liberate him. His life will not have traction, and connection with the miraculous life will not be possible. That person’s life will be no different from the way it is lived now – without communion and God’s power. It’s that simple. And the proof of it is the obvious absence of life-changing power in his life. God can’t be mocked. By “cheap” we inadvertently place a price tag on God’s grace. Grace is not cheap. Neither is it expensive – it is free! It is free because it is priceless. God’s love is mankind’s birthright and cannot be bought by man’s action no matter how good he may seem. No amount of money or valuables can buy it. It can only be received freely or not at all. In truth, any other way apart from the one presented to man by God would effectively be “cheap grace.”

“The depth and wisdom of God as witnessed in His astounding act to unite man to Himself as His own children is beyond human comprehension and shows the brilliance of His love in its most inspiring manifestation. Now the two, God and man, can walk together in a journey to the same destination (Amos 3:3). The amazing thing is that this relationship becomes an eternal, everlasting one. For through faith in Jesus God gives man the Holy Spirit as the guarantee of man’s immortality (Eph. 1:13-14; 2 Cor. 1:21-22). This is unbound grace poured upon man – the gospel made manifest in the life of the Bula man-river.” (Pg.27-30, emphasis added).

I hope, from this post, you can see the weight and substance of becoming and living as Bula man-rivers  (“Triune beings”) in Christ. This is the life we have been called upon to live which produce a miraculous life that is filled with joy beyond what we can imagine.

Until the next time, live faithfully in the Triune Life we have in Christ,

Kiang                                                                                                                                                          (Your Servant in Christ)  

* “Flush-out” – see its definition in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section above 

*** Herald is the name I personally and affectionately call the Holy Spirit

** The “Bula man-river” is the metaphor describing the union of man with the Love of the Triune God flowing in humans, making possible the “Triune Life” – the source of the miraculous life in man. To read the many facets of life of the Bula man-river, go to my website where you can order a copy of my Book. Thank you for your support.

All scriptures are taken from the NIV Version 2011, unless stated otherwise

Note: Any information obtained from this website that is used for publication should be acknowledged by citing the website address, date of acquisition and information pertinent to original authorship. For general guidelines regarding web citations see The Guide for Citing Electronic Information

Life Begins Where Our Concept of God Takes Root – “Creative” Trinitarian Life, Pt. 3 – By Kiang P Lee

Greetings Again Friends Around the World,

In parts 1 and 2, I presented not only scriptural proof of God’s true nature as Triune in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but also we saw why man’s very salvation is eternally tied to a life lived in the heart of the Trinitarian existence of God. Hence, I have named this series as it relates to our relationship with God in His Trinitarian reality, and how it affects our view of the world and our participation in it. The command to not worship other gods apart from the true God, is directly connected to our conception of Him – that He is “Trinitarian” and not a “solitary,” one-person God. By being Triune in nature, He essentially is relational and lives as ONE in Love, for He is Love (1 John 4:8) His Triune reality in man creates a world of difference more than we can ever realize. This is the stuff of the miraculous.

In the final installment of this 3-part series, we’ll see how God relates with man in His Trinitarian reality and extend the same to all mankind through believers who have put their faith in His Son, Jesus Christ. My sincere hope is you will see God’s unmistakable appeal to man in the Gospel to participate and experience His Trinitarian reality through Jesus in the power of the Spirit. And then to live life that’s truly life with all humans, through a relationship that is realized in the Spirit that is true to His nature of Love in His Triunity. (John 4:24)

Life presents us with only two broad ways of life – man’s self-centered “solitary” way, or God’s loving, unified “Triune” way. In the book, “Bula man-river – The Miracle of Triune Living” I presented two metaphors to represent these two ways of life: the “Bulu man-river” with deathly waters of carnal man influenced by the devil, and the “Bula man-river” with the “living waters” of the Holy Spirit where life is lived in the heart of the Triune life of God. One is 1-dimensional, while the other is 3-dimensional. One is the way of independence, while the other is the way of interdependence. It is a life of living in the Spirit who unifies man to the Father through the Son, and not in his fleshly self. Paul was inspired to write this,

“If anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, they do not belong to Christ. You, however, are not in the realm of the flesh but are in the realm of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. But if Christ is in you, then even though your body is subject to death because of sin, the Spirit gives life because of righteousness…. For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live” (Rom.8:9-13). Here, we see how both Jesus and the Spirit interpenetrates the “living waters” flowing in the life of the Bula man-river (believer).

Purpose of Triune Life in Christ

The purpose of the “Triune life” is essentially to protect the believer from the inconsistencies and ravages of the “solitary life” – a life lived under the influence of the devil who is the instigator of all human pain and suffering in the world. God loves us so much He wants us to live a life filled with joy, not suffering. He is the Fountain of joy, a joy that will culminate in an eternity with Him. (Isa.12:2-3) When you are thinking Trinitarianly in Christ, you are aware that your walk is always in the midst of the Father, Jesus, and Herald* (Spirit). Your emotional reaction is always tampered by Their Loving relationship with each other, that you now inhere in Christ. So we’re not in the emotional juggernaut of the “solitary life” that comes with dire consequences. Every act you take in the presence of the Triune God, makes you consider their Loving Triune reality in your life, and every other human, those of the faith and they who are not in the faith. And always, it is an action taken in love, for love is the very nature of the God who is Triune.

Living the “Solitary” Life Still

If the “Triune Life” frees us from the curse and malevolence of the “solitary life,” then it’s logical to conclude that the “Triune Life” essentially embodies the ‘Creative Life’ of the Triune God, for the very Life of God is synonymous with all things good, breathtakingly wonderful, and magnificent in its splendor. (Gen.1:31; Ps.8; 40:5; Acts 10:38) The “solitary life” is synonymous with everything uncreative, corrupt and deathly in fallen man. Here is the irony that’s seen in most of Christianity: many who call themselves followers of Christ are living the “solitary life” still – they think as long as they acknowledge Christ, then they are in good-standing with God. To live the Christian life in “solitary” mode is to live apart from Christ, for He is Triune in His Godly nature.

Though a person may claim to believe in the Trinity, if he still lives the “solitary” life in himself, he still lives apart from Christ. This tells us that many “Christians” fail, or simply don’t know how to live the Triune Life in Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. Taking the name of Jesus automatically comes with the Triune Life of God. (Matt.28:19) In reality, taking the name of Christ demands we give up the “solitary” life in the self, in exchange for the Triune Life in Christ. Its a change that I call “flush-out” in my book. The Christian Life is lived in Christ, who lives in the “Triune Life” of God. The sign of Christianity was made clear by Paul above – it requires the presence of the Holy Spirit. The presence of the Spirit is the start of the activity of the Trinitarian God in a believer made possible by Jesus. (John 16:7)

What Religion Does

Sadly, what religion has done is turn man back on himself in his “solitary life” by saying that his salvation is “his” responsibility. They say, Christ has done His part, now man has his part to do to earn it. This is the devil’s deception at its very core. Salvation is all grace and freely given to man. God has not abdicated your salvation by placing it into your own hands, nor the hands of another. Salvation is all God’s doing in Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit. If Christ is a partial savior, then the Gospel is not true. Jesus is not a 50/50 savior. If salvation is a free gift which comes from the free grace of God, it is impossible for man to earn it, let alone 50%. For the Gospel tells us He is the complete Savior of mankind. Paul says, “We are complete in Him” (Col.2:10; Acts 4:11-12). I explained in the book that “our part” is simply to “hide in Christ” as the “living waters” cover the riverbed (man), and let the Spirit live His life fully (overflowing) in man. (In my book I explain this insidious lie of the devil, and talk about what is “obedience.”)

What The Spirit Does

The work of the Spirit is made evident by Jesus, “But when He, the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on His own, He will speak only what He hears,  and He will tell you what is to come. He will glorify Me for it is from Me that He will receive what He will make known to you. All that belongs to the Father is Mine. That is why I said the Spirit will receive from Me what He will make known to you. (John 16:13-15) It is clear the work of the Spirit is to reveal what belongs to the Father and the Son. This passage is entirely Trinitarian in its rendition and meaning. The Spirit’s role is to take man into the Triune Life to understand the will of God in his life.

Doing The Will of The Father

Jesus makes plain that it is possible to say one is Christian, but is none of His: “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven” (Matt.7:20-21). The verse following this says even those who perform miracles in His name He will shun: “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'” (V.22-23). Many have wondered about this passage, and inquired of its meaning as it relates to the believer. The answer can only be explained in what a person believes and the way he lives – if he lives the “Triune Life” in Christ (Bula man-river), or if he is still living the “solitary life” in himself (Bulu man-river).

Notice what Jesus said, “…only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” The will of the Father is also the will of the Son, as we saw. So, from eternity, the will of God has always been “Triune.” The act of One is always the act of all Three – God is indivisibly ONE. This translates into a life where man lives a collaborative, interdependent, unified, and Trinitarian life in Christ. We can do “good works” based upon our human “solitary” mindset, and God calls it for what it truly is – “filthy rags.” (Isa.64:6) It is what the Spirit produces in man, flowing as “living waters” in the riverbed of man (Bula man-river), that results in “good” that’s of Godly substance.

This final 3-part series is by no means comprehensive, and you may be left with questions, which I hope you will find in my book. Or, alternately you may leave a question on this blog. Let us look into the “Creative Life” we are brought into by the presence of the Spirit in man, who constantly takes him into the presence of the Triune God so man can live the “Triune Life” of the Bula man-river. What follows are excerpts from the book, “Bula” man-river – The Miracle of Triune Living”:  

What is “Creative Life” – Fire of the Spirit

“The beauty of the Trinitarian life in all its awe and wonder is to experience and participate in the “creative works” of God as He flows in us into the valleys He has charted for each of us. (John 17:20-23) What He has done in the universe, pales into insignificance compared to what He is creating in man. God is really recreating Himself – children, like Jesus to inherit His nature and all things. The material creation around us is subject to deterioration and decay. But God’s cosmic plan is to use it as “clay,” so to speak, and create His very own children (Rom. 8:20-24; 29-30). Whereas the universe and life upon this earth was made to exist uniformly, man was not. That is to say, God has to convince man of His love, for man was made to bear His image, and where there is love there is of necessity freedom. Where there is freedom, there is choice. God cannot apply the uniformity He placed in creation to be similarly applied to man. He has only one means with which to convince man to accept his offer of becoming His children – His love.”

“The miraculous life we live is essentially the expression of His love for us. The principle upon which God’s “creative work” is done in mankind, is the “creative love” of the Spirit. He gives us the power to summon our thoughts to Christ’s service through the captivating love of the Spirit (2 Cor. 10:5). All thoughts of fear that lead to deprivation and want are overpowered by the overwhelming love of Jesus just as the “living waters” cover the riverbed (1 John 4:8). Paul speaks of thoughts that are true and honest, thoughts that are just and pure, thoughts that are gracious and endearing, thoughts of virtue and excellence – in short our thoughts are to be about the love of God (Phil. 4:8). In Triune living, man is the extension of the Triune nature, so we are an extension of God’s love.”

“A river is an attractant for people because it is a place where they can flourish and be sustained indefinitely. As a Bula man-river, you are an attractant for people. You are the living, walking, Gospel of Christ. People naturally come to the living gospel, we don’t take it to them – we don’t force it on them. You can only flow into the valleys you have been assigned (John 3:27).”

The Creative Life Find Its Source in the Creator

“Jesus is leading the way, and we are following His “flow.” Whatever Jesus does, we do. This defines the mechanics of Trinitarian living. Jesus “lives creatively” in the power of the Spirit through us as Bula man-rivers from which we derive our inspired abilities (Matt. 16:24; John 8:12, 12:26; 1 Pet. 2:21). We don’t take the “creative fruits” of love in the Spirit and bottle them up inside us – that is “reverse flow”; it’s stagnation and lifelessness. You cannot plow a field by turning it over in your mind, but by taking the important second step of putting your hands to the plow.”

Fruits – Love’s Tools for Creative Living

“If the Spirit’s “living water” is always flowing, then He is reliably accessible and ever dependable. He never leaves a void in us but fills every crevice and cranny in our lives. If indeed His love “never fails us,” then what is love’s real and practical manifestation that reflects this unfailing quality? It can only be the Spirit’s fruits, and Paul documents this in his letter to the Corinthians (1 Cor. 13; Also Gal. 5:22-23; Rom. 12:9-21). God’s love is the peaceful flow of the Spirit’s life in the Bula man-river: it is *the fruit of patience, *the fruit of kindness, *the fruit of contentedness, *the fruit of being modest and unboastful, *the fruit of humility, *the fruit of honor, *the fruit of unselfishness, *the fruit of calmness and dignity, *the fruit of forgiveness and compassion, *the fruit of delighting in good and shunning evil, *the fruit of tolerance, *the fruit of responsibility, *the fruit of enduring hope, *the fruit of steadfast perseverance, *the fruit of joy, *the fruit of peace, *the fruit of goodness, *the fruit of faith, *the fruit of gentleness, *the fruit of self-control, *the fruit of zeal and spiritual fervor, *the fruit of friendship, *the fruit of sharing and generosity, *the fruit of prayerfulness, *the fruit of hospitality, etc. All these and other traits of the Spirit spells one thing: they spell the actions and emotions of the Spirit in the life of man. By and through them we decipher and peek into the different tones of God’s love. They present to us the way of life of the Triune God.

“It’s not possible to speak of the Spirit’s work in the Bula man-river without the fruits that identify who He is – it’s one and the same, it’s unavoidable. Most times when people think of the fruits of the Spirit, they often view them academically through the legalistic lens of religious proponents who uses them to make “better people” of us. We live powerless lives when we do. We are not zombies, but free-will humans made in the image of God. So we say, “I have no choice in the matter, so I may as well go along with the program” – as it were self-improvement exercises. On the contrary, we fail to realize that from eternity these fruits undergirded the loving relationship of the three persons within the Triune God. Love’s energy is brought to life in the application of these fruits. In our constant presence before God, the Bula man-river share this energy and the creative relationships we have within the Triune existence of God. Now you are in their midst living the same life they live from eternity and tasting that life in the Spirit.”

Living The Power of The Triune Life

“Many believe in the Trinity but have not experienced the Trinitarian life, let alone know of its power in their lives. Paul was addressing this very issue of denying the power of the Triune life of God when he drew the attention of young evangelist Timothy, to a list of actions (fruits) that were disempowering people. He mentioned being unloving, unthankful, without self- control, brutal, unforgiving, self-lovers, despisers of good, disobedient, and so on. These and other such actions are fear-based behaviors. Paul said, “They have the form of godliness, but deny its power” (2 Tim. 3:1-5, KJV). All these behaviors stand up against the list of the Spirit’s fruits we saw earlier, which are love-based behaviors. These were professed Christians, who somehow deceptively cloak their selfish intentions and place a label of godliness on them. But they lacked authenticity for they denied the only power that defines them as one – the Spirit’s fruits, or love. The Bible is clear if one does not have the Spirit living in him, he is not an authentic Christian (Rom. 8:9, 14).”

“The Christian life is experienced through the Triune life of God – the “living waters” of the Bula man-river is the Spirit’s energy animated by these fruits. We can view these fruits in a purely academic frame of mind, but they are first and foremost the energy and spark of the Spirit in the life of the Bula man-river. We can exercise them as some self-righteous human behavior or we can give ourselves to the Spirit to let His energy inspire our actions in them. The practice of the fruit of the Spirit is not for some hollow “self-improvement” exercise for human personal gain. The fruit is the Spirit’s creative energy for developing loving relationships with our God and our fellowman. When relationships are motivated by fear they become twisted, for relationships are made for love based on the Triune existence of God Himself. The fruits of the Spirit articulates God’s love and undergirds all human relationships of the Bula man-river within the Triune existence of God. The miraculous life we are called to live springs from this loving relationship. This energy is not inert but is alive for the fruits touch on the positive emotional response of people in the relationships we engender in our respective valleys. As I said, the Spirit lies passive and inactive in every human giving man’s intellectual prowess. He becomes active as a gift of “fire” from heaven when man receives Jesus as his Savior.” (Pg.109-113)

You can read the book for a full explanation of this aspect of the Triune Life we are blessed to have in Christ. Remember this, the “solitary” life is a powerful influence in man which began with Adam, and its grip is made all the more insidious with the devil’s deception. Ambitious people have driven themselves to do great things as they are motivated by the “dominion spirit” given to man at creation (Gen. 1:26, 28; Ps. 8:6-8). However, by riding the “Bulu man-river” river of fear and deprivation (the “solitary” life), they have ignored and despised as trivial the fruits of the Spirit. Blinded by their conceit and arrogance, they have unwittingly ridden the torrential waters of ruin and despair. They regard such “creative fruits” of the Spirit as trivialities and beneath their notice. They associate these acts with weakness which, in their blindness, actually puts them at a precarious disadvantage. Without recognizing the creative energy of the Spirit’s fruits, they have inadvertently failed to utilize the very power that will bring them the abundance they seek, without all the pains and perils of the “solitary” self-centered life.

They think the only way is to compete and control and allow greed and avarice dominate their “solitary” existence. They fail to realize that the “dominion mandate” given to man precludes our domination over another person. As far as man’s relation with man, Paul said there is just only one thing we owe one another, “the debt of love” (Rom. 13:8; Gal. 6:2). There is only one Ruler over man – God, who personally directs him, not another man. (Heb. 8:10-11; Isa. 30:20-21). Becoming a truly great man or woman takes unselfish attention, first to small tasks, sacrificing selfish ambition and pride in place of those necessary things which evoke no applause and reward. In applying the fruits of the Spirit, he ascends to the level of prominence that only a Bula man-river can attain, for he lives in and by the biomeic** “creative power” of Jesus in the Spirit’s “living waters.”

Recall Jesus final words to His disciples: “Go and make tell the world about this wonderful Gospel, and baptize and bring them into the Triune Life of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit” (Matt.28:19, emphasis mine). May the Triune Love of God fill your riverbed as a “Bula man-river”*** to water the valleys of your calling and eventually bring you to your foreordained destiny.

Kiang                                                                                                                                                          (Your Servant in Christ) 

*Herald – This is the name I have personally come to affectionately call the Holy Spirit who is my closest Friend and Confidante, who always walks by my side, and flows in me like “living waters.”

**Biomeic – A Biome is a collection of different types of ecosystems that interact with one another and give birth to ONE act we call “life.” The life of Jesus, as epitomized in His personification as God’s spokesman, or the Word, with the Spirit’s inspiration, is the spiritual “biome” ecosystem in the Bula man-river. It is the ingredient of life which the Bula man-river gives to the people of his valley communities, so forming the spiritual “biome” of man (Acts 17:28).

*** The “Bulamanriver” is the metaphor describing the union of man with the Love of the Triune God flowing in humans, making possible the “Triune Life” – the source of the miraculous life in man. To read the many facets of life of the Bula man-river, go to my website where you can order a copy of my Book. Thank you for your support.

All scriptures are taken from the NIV Version 2011, unless stated otherwise

Note: Any information obtained from this website that is used for publication should be acknowledged by citing the website address, date of acquisition and information pertinent to original authorship. For general guidelines regarding web citations see The Guide for Citing Electronic Information

Life Begins Where Our Concept of God Takes Root – The God Who Is Trinitarian Pt.2 – By Kiang P Lee

Greetings Again Friends,

I hope you found Part 1 of this series about God’s Trinitarian nature both uplifting and encouraging. Whenever the name of God is mentioned, it always means “Triune.” The name of God never means “solitary.”

Rublev’s Famous Icon of Holy Trinity (Wiki Commons)

The Malachi Prophecy

There is a powerful and compelling prophecy in Malachi which speaks of an Elijah to come whose work will be to “turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to the fathers.” Then God warns why Elijah’s work is so gripping for mankind,“Lest I come and strike the earth with a curse” (Mal.4:6). That surely is a dire warning we must all pay attention as to what  Elijah’s work truly means.

Whenever a relationship is mentioned, like father and son, or father and children, that is basically a Trinitarian statement. Jesus speaks of His relationship as the Son with God as His Father, saying, “I and My Father are ONE” (John 10:30). That’s a Trinitarian statement. Recall Jesus parting words to His disciples: “Go and tell the world about this wonderful Gospel, and unify (baptize) them into the name of the Triune God of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit” (Matt.28:19, emphasis mine).

Jesus’ final prayer with His disciples to the Father before He was crucified, was framed in God’s Trinitarian reality. He inhabits eternity in His Triune Being, and is the Source of the  Love which envelopes all of creation, and is expressed to man in His 3-dimensional reality. Man exists in his 1-dimensional reality.

“I do not pray for these (disciples) alone, but also those who will believe in Me through their word; that they all may be ONE, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be ONE in Us, that the world may believe that You have sent Me. And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be ONE just as We are ONE: I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in ONE” (John 17: 20-23, emphasis added). Jesus told His disciples, “On that day you will realize that I am in the Father, and you are in Me, and I am in you” (John 14:20). Every word is uttered in its Trinitarian context in who God is in His Triune nature of Love.

Obviously, His prayer was intended to enlighten both the disciples and His followers about His mission, and to bring to reality the will of the Father in Jesus’ purpose in the Gospel. That is, to do the work of the prophesied Immanuel – “God with us”: to join man to the Triune God. (Isa.7:14; Matt.1:23) Also notice, God’s manifested glory become man’s when he is unified to God’s Triune Life in Christ. Primarily, His glory is manifested in the miraculous life we are privileged to live in the power of the Spirit, who is given to be with us “forever.” (John 14:16) This is what brings power to the Christian life, but for most, the Christian life is without the miraculous life or glory that comes from the Triune life of God. Are Christians living “solitary” lives? Is this why they live powerless lives?

“Solitary” One-ness or “Triune” One-ness

It is entirely feasible for man to take this “unity prayer” of Jesus and apply it to his “solitary” human perspective of life. He can use this “unified stance” with a “solitary” foundation to broad-brush  everything he does with his family, his community, his nation, and still miss the point of Jesus’ meaning and purpose in His Trinitarian prayer. A father and son relationship can either be lived on a fleshly “solitary” mode, or a divine “Trinitarian” mode. Think of a statement like “unity in diversity” – if it is not lived in the Triune Being of God, it is still a philosophy birthed out of man’s “solitary” thoughts in his fallen, depraved state of being, which inevitably ends in failure and death. The “solitary” life which exists outside without God’s divine goodness is of itself a curse. Jesus, in the very depth of His Triune Being with His Father, could not have prayed any other way but in who He IS in His Trinitarian Oneness with His Father.

Though He took our humanity upon Himself, it was not a prayer He prayed through the human 1-dimensional “solitary” worldview, but the 3-dimensional Trinitarian unified worldview with and in His Father and the Spirit as ONE indivisible Triune God. That is the reality Jesus wanted the disciples and His followers to have with the Father, through and in Him. You see, once Jesus has taken man beyond and into the veil and man is made to sit with Him in His “Triune” Being-ness with the Father and the Spirit, everything we see and understand about the world around us changes from a “solitary” view to a Trinitarian divine view. That’s why Jesus had to come. That’s why the Father sent Him. That’s why Paul tells us, “You are complete in Him (Jesus)” (Col.2:10, emphasis added).

So the father and children relationships in Malachi are pictures framed primarily in the Triune relationship of God, before it extends to mankind when we accept this reality in Jesus by the power of the Spirit. The work of the coming Elijah, among others, primarily refers to the unifying of man to God through Christ so man can become a “unified being” (as opposed to a “solitary being”), from a 1-dimensional being, to a 3-dimensional being, in the very heart of the Trinitarian life of God. From this Trinitarian vantage point, man can now extend a hand of relationship to his fellowman, in his relationship with his children, his neighbors, his village, his city, in the Triune way of life in Christ.


Dove, Motif for The Holy Spirit (Wiki Commons)

In my book I speak of man becoming a “Bula man-river as a metaphor of this reality – man becoming and living the “unified miracle life” in the Triune Being of God.

I’ll continue from where I left off from the book, “Bula” man-river – The Miracle of Triune Living”:

Holy Spirit

“As long as man’s life is fueled by fear, God’s love cannot take a foothold, nor could a meaningful relationship based on love flourish. What people may regard as the expression of human good is done under the cloak of fear. Don’t get me wrong, every noble act has to come directly or indirectly from God, even the ones we do under the influence of fear. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil in Eden existed in God’s presence with our original parents. Therefore, all good and evil are in God’s control and serve His sovereign purpose (Gen. 2:17; Isa. 45:7). Man’s fear-based interaction with his fellowman has brought untold sorrow and continues to this day. Love and fear cannot coexist in the heart, just as light cannot coexist with darkness. God puts right this disparity between the depraved human heart and His love by giving man the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit. He is Himself God, and love, like the Father and Son. He is given as a gift to abide in man’s life and supply man the love with which to respond fittingly to God’s love (John 16:7-15; Rom. 5:5). God offered the Holy Spirit to man from the beginning, symbolized by the tree of life in Eden, but man succumbed to fear’s deception, mistrusted God’s word, and betrayed His love. Man has since lived under the influence of fear, and it governs all his responses to life. Sadly, this fear-response carries over into his relationship with God. The Holy Spirit is given to change the status quo of fear.”

The Love DNA

“Before the Holy Spirit can be given to man, he must be unrobed from his cloak of fear. Fear comes in all sizes and shapes, in all tints and colors. Basically, fear is the harbinger of all the evil in man. The devil, who fuels this fear in man, does not rule man, but he can use fear to hold him captive. God alone rules man because man was made after His image. God gave man dominion over the earth but nowhere extends it over another human. The Genesis account is quite clear on this. Man’s only ruler is God (Gen. 1:26). Since man has God’s DNA in him, fear is essentially anathema and foreign to man. This is the underlying reason for so much suffering in the world. Man’s response to life is dictated by fear, not the love that’s in his DNA.”

“The fact that man fundamentally hates evil in all its manifestations is proof of God’s DNA in man and his aversion to fear. This hatred of evil is built into the human conscience. Man may carry out some heinous act, but such an act, having seared the conscience, will subsequently distort the personality and deteriorate man’s judgment and sanity (1 Tim. 4:2). Along these lines, God’s sovereignty undergirds all of life so that we will never lose the Creator’s reflection in man. Nevertheless, the devil holds man captive by and through fear and rebellion. Jesus comes to rescue man through the power of the divine love of God and to give man the Holy Spirit to meet God on His terms.”

From Fear to Love

“God’s promise to man is to give him a new heart to end his suffering from living a solitary life through a newborn “unified life” in His Son (Ezek. 11:19; Heb. 8:10, 10:22). He will remove the heart of fear and give him the heart of love. In becoming a mortal human, Jesus vicariously assumed man’s sinful life in His perfect being. In doing so, He destroyed fear and replaced it with God’s love. Finally, man can reciprocate with the same love with which God loves man. Only One from the Godhead is capable of loving another God alike. Man doesn’t have that love. All of man’s responses, including what he thinks is “love,” are filtered through his fears. Only One from within the triune Godhead can become the Mediator for all of humanity’s inadequate responses and transform them from fear to love in Himself (John 3:16; 2 Cor. 5:17; Eph. 2:15). That is why He is called man’s High Priest and Mediator in heaven, who forever intercedes for man.”

“Now man’s fear-based response is removed by the miracle I call the “flush-out”* (Miracle 1). Man takes on a new nature with love at its center, from which he responds to life. Jesus took upon Himself our humanity in His mortal body, glorified it through His death, resurrection, and ascension, and took our humanity into the very life of the triune God in heaven in our place. There is no other way to completely respond to the love of God but through and in Jesus. Only Jesus is capable of loving the Father perfectly, and man loves alike by living vicariously in Jesus. This is the Good News. That is why Paul tells us, “We are complete in Christ,” because He stands in for us and takes our place (Col. 2:10 emphasis added). God accepts this representation of His Son on our behalf as the true, finished, and final answer to all man’s sufferings and his place in the spiritual Eden which brings the miraculous life.” (Pg.27-28)

New Life in Christ

“Living this Triune life with and in God is as natural as He is love – it is not a forced obedience. God accepts His Son in our place, as our vicarious defense against the law which defines sin and demands our life. So when Christ died as our perfect human atonement, we died in Him (Rom. 7:4-6). When He was resurrected, we were lifted with Him. When He ascended to heaven, we relocated in Him (Eph. 2:4-6). The covenant promise God makes with man in His Son removes the heart-of-stone and replaces it with the heart-of-flesh. This is our new life in Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension (Heb. 8:6-11). The heart of fear dies and reincarnates into a heart of love (God). This is the miraculous life we have been called to live, for nothing but a miracle can make it happen.” (Pg.30)

We will have the final installment of this 3-Part series in the next update. May God help you see the light of the Gospel in Christ who has eternally unified us to the Triune God in Love.

Kiang                                                                                                                                                           (Your Servant in Christ) 

* “Flush-out” – In my book, “Bula man-river, The Miracle of Triune Living,” I explained the “flush-out” as follows: The miracle of the “flush-out” occurs when a person’s faith transmits the cleansing agency of Jesus’ blood. Faith is the conductor of miracles as electricity is in water. The atoning blood of Jesus flushes out the deathly waters of Bulu and replaces it with the Bula “living waters” of the Holy Spirit (John 7:37-39, 4:10). The “flush-out” inaugurates in man the life of God in place of death. Man is now the Bula man-river of God. At this moment in time, the life of Jesus and the Spirit, the blood and “living waters,” flow in the Bula man-river – you!”  (Pg.40)

All scriptures are taken from the NIV Version 2011, unless stated otherwise.

Note: Any information obtained from this website that is used for publication should be acknowledged by citing the website address, date of acquisition and information pertinent to original authorship. For general guidelines regarding web citations see The Guide for Citing Electronic Information

Life Begins Where Our Concept of God Takes Root – God Who Is Trinitarian, PT. 1 – By Kiang P Lee

Greeting Friends Around the World,

I pray that this post will bring the joy of freedom in your heart as it did mine when I wrote it.

God’s nature, and the motivations for all His actions in His creative works, has always been Trinitarian in every way, shape and form. Although man may not have understood God in His infallible Triune expression, and even if man conceptualize God in forms other than Trinitarian, He nevertheless cannot deviate from who He truly is in His spontaneous loving Triune Being. He inhabits eternity in His triunity without beginning of days nor end, as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (Matt.28:18-20)

Rublev’s famous icon of Holy Trinity (Wiki Commons)

In my book, “Bula man-river – The Miracle of Triune Living,” I used the metaphor of the “Bula man-river”* to explain how the Triune God comes and fully unify Himself with man and transforms him to experience the very Triune life He inhabits from eternity, in Christ. Here are excerpts from my book –

“One of the most important and overlooked aspects of Jesus’ mission was that He came to reveal to us the true nature of God. Throughout His mission, Jesus made reference to God as His Father (John 17, 1:1-5, 14-8). John attests to this Father/Son relationship, saying, “No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is the closest relationship with the Father, has made him known” (John 1:18). Jesus also mentions another personage in the unified Godhead  – the Holy Spirit (John 14:15-18, 25-26; 15:26-27; 16:7-15; Matt. 28:18-20). Jesus came to reveal the true nature of God by revealing the Father, the Son, and the Spirit, and to show that God is Triune in His nature and not solitary. God is ONE trinity. That is, He is the union of three persons in one Triune Godhead. He is not alone; He is not individualistic; He is not isolated or reclusive.”

“Something significant happened to Abraham when he expressed heartfelt faith in God’s word to him – he changed from a “solitary” father to a father of “many” nations. God changed Abraham’s name to reflect His own triune nature. The same will happen to us when we express the living faith of Abraham. Too many times man presents a picture of God sitting remotely alone on His throne, passing judgment and exercising control over our lives. Jesus corrected that image and showed God to be relational in His Trinitarian nature. This is vital to living the miraculous life. We can only mirror our relationship with a God who is by nature triune and bound in love. In other words, we will commune with a relational God, not a private God. God is not solitary as many think. By declaring the Father’s nature, Jesus made us understand His nature is love.”

“Love is relational, hence God is triune. Humans have this “solitary” perception of God because man, who lives this “solitary” life since his fall in Eden, have painted this “solitary” image on God. Throughout history man has always tried to put God in a box to suit. God tells us, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts” (Isa. 55:8-9). How vital that we let the Spirit inspire and energize us in His Trinitarian nature to nullify our natural “solitary” attitude. We can do good things in a “solitary” mode and it will take us only thus far (Jer. 17:9). By connecting to the triune God through His Spirit, His love will lead us in life. He instructs us to choose His triune life, not our solitary life (Deut. 30:19).”

“Why did God reveal Himself as the God who is love by nature? He is not made of love; He is love. Love is God and God is love – there is no distinction between the two. God and love are one and the same substance. Now consider this revelation of God in relation to man’s concept of a solitary God. Is it possible for love (God) to exist in isolation, in solitude – unaccompanied, secluded, alone in self-absorbed existence? If God were one solitary person, with no one to love and share His divine Being, then His affirmation that “God is love” would be meaningless. Love cannot exist in solitary confinement. Only the opposite, fear, will thrive in such a condition. No, love exists and thrives exclusively in relationships. Love and relationship are inseparable. Therefore, love is not compatible with the image of a solitary God, but it’s completely viable with a God who is Trinitarian. “Perfect love (God who is triune) cast out fear” (1 John 4:18a).”

“There is no place for solitary existence (fear) in a life that is committed to relationships (love). The Bible speaks of a proper “fear” that can exist with the love of God. It does not make us afraid of God, but instills a deep reverence of everything He stands for. Then there is the fear that is the antithesis of love, “because fear hath torment, and he that fears is not made perfect in love” (1 John 4:18b). Torment is contrary to love and joy. The Gospels make clear to us that Jesus’ multifaceted earthly mission was to declare openly to the world that God is Father to all mankind. By declaring the Fatherhood of God, He discredits all arguments that God is solitary. A Father begets and nurtures children. Jesus declares Himself as the Son of God. So are we all. He did not declare the Fatherhood of God to please the people or His followers, or to be controversial. He declared it because this is what love does – love tells the truth, love cannot lie. By proclaiming God is His Father, He affirmed God is triune.”

“Jesus’ crucifixion to atone for mankind’s sin is the ultimate story of love from a God who knows no other way to live but in loving relationship (John 3:16-17). His sacrifice was the ultimate act of love for He was both God and man. This is the key to the miraculous life the Bula man-river* is destined to live. It begins with our belief in our concept of God, for life will be to us as Jesus said – “according to your faith, your life will be lived” (Matt. 9:29-30 emphasis added). What is our concept of God? Miracles are birthed in love, and love cannot survive in solitary existence, but in relationship. God’s loving relationship with man is what brought miracles to man by the hands of Jesus. Through His death, resurrection, and ascension, Jesus transports man into the triune existence of God. God has existed in His triune relationship from eternity. Because the triune God is of one substance (Greek, homoousios – “of one substance”) the act of one is the act of all three, making it singular and unified. Man has not experienced this kind of integrated life with the triune God since Adam. But God desires to bring man into the loving fellowship of the Father, Son, and Spirit. This is the way they lived from eternity. This is where the miracle life is birthed and takes its stand, and where the Bula man-river* makes his stand.”

File:Love What is It.JPG

“God is Love” (1 John 4:8) (Wiki Commons)

Love Is Key

“The relationship God seeks with man is the same closeness He lives with the three Persons of the Trinity in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Now here is man’s predicament: man is incapable of responding with the same love God has for man because he just doesn’t have the equivalent love to relate with God. It was offered to him in Eden, but he rejected it for a life of fear instead. Man has never known this divine relationship of love the triune God has inhabited from eternity. Love is the key to making it work. Even so, how does a man respond in kind when he doesn’t have the goods to begin with? In simple terms, man has to take on a complete new life, a nature consistent with God’s love. Man, in his present fallen state, is incapable of loving God the way God loves him. His “solitary” depraved nature, which is influenced and motivated by fear, stands as an insurmountable wall. Obviously, God knows this, but it is man who must see what for God is obvious.”

“God provides the way in His Son, who Himself is God and possesses the same divine love. Thus, He is qualified to mediate and represent man in making the union possible. Jesus, by taking upon Him His human body, effectually joined mankind to the divine Godhead in substance and reality. Man can now lovingly relate with God on equal terms in and through Jesus. Jesus took His human body into a glorified state to the presence of God and became the perfect response for man before God. This is the only way, and this is the plan of God for man to enter a relationship with Him. In this regard, Paul speaks of “putting on Jesus” as if being cloaked in His Being thus enabling man to enter and live this triune existence of love with the Trinitarian God (Gal. 3:27).” “That’s the message the Bula man-river* brings to us.

Solitary Living

I said earlier that fear thrives in solitary climate, while love thrives in relationships. In man’s fallen state, fear dominates his heart. Man’s every response is inspired by the fear of his depraved and corrupt heart. This fearful life continues because of his solitary existence. How did man come to find himself living this fearful, solitary life? It began in Eden when man separated himself from God his Father, who alone possesses the love man longs for. God’s presence is the missing relationship in man’s life. The reason for his isolation is his separation from God. Man was made to exist with God in order to be whole, as Adam and Eve were before they ejected themselves out of Eden.”

“There is an important element of man’s connectedness with God that never leaves man. God created man to live in communion with each other to reflect His Trinitarian existence. Without meaningful participation with others as an interactive society, we would deteriorate and cease to effectively exist as human beings. Though fear may dominate man’s existence, God’s sovereign image of communion living undergirds and keeps him connected to his Maker. So this communion life, which bears the stamp of God’s triune image, can be motivated by fear or by love. Only when it is motivated by love will a harmonious relationship exist. When relationships are motivated by fear they become twisted, for relationships are made for love based on the triune existence of God Himself .”

I hope you find this post enlightening and liberating. But that’s not all. In Part 2, I’ll go into and discuss the awesome gift of the Holy Spirit the Father gives to indwell man as man’s everlasting gift.

May God bless you as He moves in your life in the only way He knows how, the Triune Living way, to manifest your destiny in Christ.


* The “Bula man-river” is the metaphor describing the union of man with the Love of the Triune God flowing in humans, making possible the “Triune Life” – the source of the miraculous life in man. To read the many facets of life of the Bula man-river, go to my website where you can order a copy of my Book. Remember, when you purchase my book all the proceeds go towards Jesus Christ’s work of dispensing the Gospel. Thank you for your support.

Remember, when you purchase my book you have hand in Jesus’s Work, for all the proceeds go towards dispensing the Gospel worldwide. Thank you for your support.

All scriptures are taken from the NIV Version 2011, unless stated otherwise

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